Walkabout question (spoiler for Walkabout)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Oct 7 06:14:25 EDT 1996

Subject: Walkabout question (spoiler for Walkabout)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct  5, 1996: rkroll at aol.com (RKroll)
+  3: Oct  6, 1996: kylef at acpub.duke.edu (Kyle B. Ferrio)
*  4: Oct  6, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: rkroll at aol.com (RKroll)
Lines: 36

Spoiler space =

In "Walkabout", Lenier tells Sheridan that it will take 20 minutes for the
jump engines to be back on line, but the Minbari warship is monitoring
their situation.  Why didn't the Minbari warship open a jump point for the
White Star with their jump engines?  The major ships in the Earth Forces
fleet sent against Babylon 5 seemed to open a jump point for the smaller
vessels traveling with the fleet.




From: kylef at acpub.duke.edu (Kyle B. Ferrio)
Lines: 58

Spoilers for "Walkabout:"

Spoilers for "Walkabout" now!

In article <3256F27C.5CF6 at worldnet.att.net>,
Ray  <razel at worldnet.att.net> wrote:

>I think you're right; having the shadow ships following into hyperspace 
>may have
>given them an advantage.  They're cerainly more familiar with the nuances 
>What I was wondering, was why the Minbari vessel didn't attempt to fire 
>at the 
>three shadow ships?  Or, how could the three shift out when held, which 
>when the Narn ship started working over the one dogging the White Star.  
>The Minbari telepaths let them go?
>What did I miss? 

I think you got it all.  It sure seems like the Minbari cruiser should 
have fired on the Crab.  We've been led to believe that Minbari capital
ships have greater firepower than their Narn counterparts.  

As for the Crabs retreating into hyperspace, the Minbari teeps may have
released them.  Another possibility is that the telepathic "grip" only
works in normal space.  Witness the line-of-sight requirement.  
If the teep fails to prevent a Crab from initiating a fade-out, just as
Lyta failed to suppress the distress call, then the Crab might slip away
into the ether.  

This suggests that the first step in a teep assault on a Crab should be
to shut down it's jump capability, before trying to fry it.

Again, this is all speculation based on what we've seen and heard 
on the show so far.



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

In "Severed Dreams," the dilemma faced by the Alexander in the teaser is
that if they jump, they'll end up leaving their fighters behind.  A jump
engine rips the area open for that one ship, and closes it again right
behind it.  What sometimes happens, as in "All Alone," is that *as a ship
comes out*, it releases its fighters.  But you can't just follow a ship
into a jump point formed by another ship.  You'd probably get torn apart
when space folded back on you, because the field opening the point is
primarily around the other ship.


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