All that Jazz (WAS: Re: Walkabout Science Nit Pick) Spoilers removed

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 9 06:31:13 EDT 1996

Subject: All that Jazz (WAS: Re: Walkabout Science Nit Pick) Spoilers removed
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct  7, 1996: beth at (TheWitch at
*  2: Oct  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: beth at (TheWitch at
Lines: 22

Mikel Midnight (blaklion at wrote:

: I was also unimpressed with the music.  It might have been had she been
: doing a jazz standard ... "Top of the Pops" stylings just don't cut it,
: I'd hope musical styles would change somewhat between now and then ... was
: it an oldies bar?

Hey at least we weren't treated to classical music being the only
surviving legacy of 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.  Part of my initial
dislike of the music was that I kept having flashbacks to the TV version
of "Fame".  But I would have been more disappointed if we'd been treated
to classic jazz.  Look at it this way, bad music still prevails in the
future. :)  Some things never change. 


"She was one of those people who regard the Church...with patronizing
affection, as if it were something that had grown up in their kitchen


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 37

Here's what I think is a bit of cultural short-sightedness.  Everybody
keeps saying, "well, if they had that kind of music, shouldn't it have
been shown to be an oldies bar or something?"

Look at classical music for a moment.  Goes back to Beethoven, Brahms,
Bach and lots of composers whose names don't even begin with B.  And
earlier.  Now, I don't mean to alarm anyone or startle anyone with this
revelation, but classical music is *still being written and performed*
hundreds of years later.  Not old stuff, new stuff, of that school and in
that style.  The orchestral suites in the Star Wars movies are strongly
based on classical that "oldies" stuff?  You've got one
of the longest running musical plays running now in London, in "Phantom of
the Opera," a *new* composition (well, mostly, knowing how Webber works).

Jazz and blues kinda formally began in the 1920s and 1930s, but its roots
run back to spirituals and african-american music in the 1800s.  And it
didn't just stop suddenly in the 1930s.  There's still new material being
written in that style now; so should Stevie Ray Vaughn's albums or
performances have been labeled "oldies?"  After all, it's sixty years
later and more.

Certain musical styles will stay with us for a long, long time.  Not
performances based on old stuff, but new material in that vein, for those
forms that have shown themselves to be enduring.  200 years from now, in
addition to other forms, you're still going to have original blues songs,
original classical compositions, original jazz, original compositions in
the style of gregorian chants, on and on and on.

It's odd when people try to apply illogical rules to the future that don't
apply now; no one said, as noted, that a Stevie Ray Vaughn concert should
be billed as an "oldies" event, or an oldies bar...even though it's over
half a century since serious blues started's just silly.


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