ATTN JMS: Profound thanks

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 10 06:16:26 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Profound thanks
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct  9, 1996: Michael Scott Shappe <mshappe at>
*  2: Oct 10, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Michael Scott Shappe <mshappe at>
Lines: 34

Five years ago, or so my memory tells me, at WishCon, JMS first showed
the 'lock cut' of the pilot. Until that moment, I had been skeptical,
based on what little I had heard, of this new effort. I was already
souring on _Trek_ -- or, more accurately (IMO), _Trek_ had already
begun souring, for I am still happy to rewatch what has gone before --
and had become convinced that success was bound to make a failure of
SF on television, as it ultimately had of every other genre it had

But then I saw the pilot. A lock cut is the final edit, without sound
effects or music, so it's a bit strange to watch. But even in that
form, I saw tremendous potential, and my interest level soared. If
*this* was just the *pilot*, where could it go from here?

Since that time, first on GEnie and then here on USENET, I have, along
with everyone else, watched as JMS 'thought aloud', developing his
project before our eyes, giving us a window on his world. We have
watched his vision unfold, and get progressively better; never yet
becoming stale, as _Trek_ has long since become for me; always moving
forward, stretching for the next milestone; always pushing the
envelope -- sometimes with small nudges, sometimes with great shoves.

As we come into the home stretch of the third season, and begin the
fourth, I wanted to extend my own deep gratitude to J. Michael
Straczynski, for all of the effort he has put into this project, and
for 72 hours (and counting) of marvelous story telling; and to thank
him for including us in some small way in the process.

It just keeps on getting better, Joe. Thank you.

Michael Scott Shappe <mshappe at>
Addicting the unsuspecting to the Net since 1987


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

The pleasure and the thanks are entirely mine; it's been a good run, and
the new shows are just spiffy, and one is rarely afforded the chance to
grow, and try new things, and push your luck.  I'm happy that viewers have
stuck with us through it all.  It's been great.


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