ATTN: JMS - Necronomicon

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 16 06:19:58 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS - Necronomicon
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 15, 1996: Petrina Kilborn-Bexfield <pkb at>
+  4: Oct 15, 1996: vampry at ( Sue Phillips)
*  5: Oct 16, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Petrina Kilborn-Bexfield <pkb at>
Lines: 93

Rich Lueck (rlueck at wrote:

>I went to Necronomicon to see JMS. I had been working seven days a week for
>last six weeks, and they wanted me to work this past weekend as well, but I 
>said no, I have something I have to do.
>Let me state here right off that I have never been to a Sci Fi con before,
so I 
>do not have a reference for comparison. There were people there for other 
>things such as the gaming, but by and large, JMS owned the con. 

And the gaming people had no idea what was going on!  I hate to been mean,
but it was so funny.

>They set attendance records and acknowledged that JMS was the reason. In fact 
>when someone mentioned this fact, and the fact that the B5 fans were the 
>nicest crowd that they had seen at a con, JMS said "tell that to the con 
>people" He then asked if there were any of them in the audience, one whole row 
>raised there hands. One of them said "We're all here, we just shut down 
>everything and came to the Babylon 5 Panel."

Just to add, Necoronomicon sold out Saturday and the hotel was sold out for
both Friday and Saturday nights.  The con people had no idea what was coming.

>If you ever wondered why Babylon 5 has such intelligence, integrity and heart, 
>you need look no futher than it's creator.
>I attended both Video sessions and two panels featuring JMS. 
>(Joe, I was the guy in the front row with the Prisoner T-shirt who gave you a 
>cigar for Jerry Doyle.)
>JMS has stated publicly that he is not a great speaker.
>This is bullshit.

He was a little slow at first, but he was great.  At the final panel, he
seemed touched at that many people would come to see him.

>He had us rolling on the floor laughing, and he moved the entire audience to 
>tears with a story that he made us promise not to repeat on the net. I 
>sincerely hope that everyone honors his request. I will.

So will I.  And it seems like everyone else is too.  Even the stories that
you knew where going on the net, aren't on yet.

>I appologise for the long post, but I felt it necessary to say thank you to 

So did I, and you put it very well.  Thinking on my way hope, I thought: JMS
cares about what he is doing and it shows.  B5 is, right now, the best
Sci-Fi on TV that no one knows about it!  Hopefully, this will change.  And
I know that Paramount doesn't care about Trek anymore, it shows.

>He was alloted one hour on Saturday for autographs, but when it became
>that he would not be able to sign all the autographs in that time, he stayed 
>an extra half until he had signed autographs for everyone.They even added 
>another session on Sunday when he spent almost another hour signing.

And he signed and signed and signed.  
>He showed us wonderful blooper reels (any chance these will ever be released 
>We saw clips from next season's episodes, along with the last five.
>We saw a couple of music videos. And we heard some great stories along with 
>hints about the coming season, some of which Joe asked us not to repeat on the 
>net. (Again, I hope everyone honors Joe's requests.)

So far, I haven't seen anything.  I though something would hit by now.

>I would like to finish by saying that if you ever get the chance to here Joe 
>speak, GO!
>It was a highly inspirational weekend, one that I will never forget. 
>Thank you to the B5 fans, for being the wonderful people you are. 

Neither would I.  Don't miss JMS if he comes to your area, he's well worth
the fess.

>(I was eating lunch in the restaurant on Sunday, and when Joe sat down a
>of tables away, I was sorely tempted to bother him. I didn't. AND NEITHER DID 
>ANYONE ELSE. Way cool!)

No one did, either.  It was neat, would never happen at a Trek con.

>Mostly I want to say thank you for JMS; for showing that quality television 
>does not have to be an oxymoron; for taking time you did not have away from a 
>busy schedule to come and talk to us, and mostly for being who you are; a 
>realist, but not a cynic.

Damn right.  JMS, thank you for coming.  Seeing you makes my committment to
B5 stronger and make it stay on until the end.  Please come down and see us
again in Florida.

Petrina Kilborn-Bexfield
Palm Bay, FL


From: vampry at ( Sue Phillips)
Lines: 17

In <53v79a$91o at>, atropos at (Neely Stewart) writes:
>>>He had us rolling on the floor laughing, and he moved the entire audience to 
>>>tears with a story that he made us promise not to repeat on the net. I 
>>>sincerely hope that everyone honors his request. I will.
>>So will I.  And it seems like everyone else is too.  Even the stories that
>>you knew where going on the net, aren't on yet.
>If anyone is bursting to "spill the beans," but in a private email way
>that won't go beyond my mailbox, feel free to mail me! ;)

well, I was at Necronomicon and I too am not about to post...or e-mail...anything about
the story he told.  



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

To the thread in general...thanks.  It was a great convention.  Kinda blew
out my vocal cords a bit, but other than that, it was terrific.  Thanks.


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