ATTN: JMS And The Rock Question ( * SPOILER * )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 21 06:27:26 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS And The Rock Question ( * SPOILER * )
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 18, 1996: Oster <oster at>
+  3: Oct 19, 1996: Eric at (Eric Edwards)
*  4: Oct 20, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Oster <oster at>
Lines: 46

Have lurked for a few years and wanted to thank you for the show.  This is
the only thing I religiously watch on tv.  Last show I felt this strongly
about was The Prisoner.


DO NOT proceed further unless you have seen "And The Rock Cried Out.."  


JMS -  

Absolutely loved "Rock".  One thing at the end troubled my husband.
Sheridan seemed utterly surprised that the Minbari had built a fleet of
ships as powerful as the White Star.  My husband couldn't understand why
Delenn hadn't mentioned this fact to him much much sooner. After all, he
has been planning a major war and why would Delenn withhold such an
important piece of information from him until now?  

Is there something we missed?  I didn't have a very good answer for him.
I said, "well it's's more dramatic this way."  I'm hoping there is
something we overlooked.



From: Eric at (Eric Edwards)
Lines: 55

In, article <Pine.SUN.3.95.961018121452.16854B-100000 at>, you wrote:

> Have lurked for a few years and wanted to thank you for the show.  This is
> the only thing I religiously watch on tv.  Last show I felt this strongly
> about was The Prisoner.
> s
>  p
>   o
>    i
>     l
>      e
>       r
>        S
>         p
>          a
>           c
>            e       
> DO NOT proceed further unless you have seen "And The Rock Cried Out.."  
> ---------------------------------
> Absolutely loved "Rock".  One thing at the end troubled my husband.
> Sheridan seemed utterly surprised that the Minbari had built a fleet of
> ships as powerful as the White Star.  My husband couldn't understand why
> Delenn hadn't mentioned this fact to him much much sooner. After all, he
> has been planning a major war and why would Delenn withhold such an
> important piece of information from him until now?  

Because only now does Sheriden have the tactics (telepaths) and strategy
(the "safe" zone) to make use of them.  Up til now it has been best that
the ships be unknown, to force cohesion in the alliance.  Before the
telepath connection, the Army of Light could do little but lose ships. 
After the telepath connection, they might be able to do some holding
action.  But with the unraveling of the Shadow strategy, they have, for
the first time, a chance to strike decicivly; perhaps to win.  The White
Star class ships are there to win.

Of course, it is the height of arrogance that Delenn chose not to trust
Shariden with this information.  But then, such arrogance isn't exactly
foreign to her character.

"..very sad life.  Probably have very sad death.  But there's symetry"
Remember the home hobbyist computer: Born 1975, died April 29, 1994


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

I don't think she was so much withholding the information, as they just
weren't ready yet, and the need for them wasn't there yet.


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