Spoilers for "Grey 17 Is Missing"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Tue Sep 3 06:31:29 EDT 1996

Subject: Spoilers for "Grey 17 Is Missing"
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Sep  2, 1996: smoore at btinternet.com (Stephen Moore)
*  2: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: smoore at btinternet.com (Stephen Moore)
Lines: 109

Incoming spoilers...






















Well, that was... Little. I'm not complaining, it was fun in itself but the
whole Garibaldi plot just seemed a little extraneous.

OK, here's what I *liked*:

The start, the recruitment of telepaths to fight the Shadows was
interesting, and the fake teep was quite funny.

Franklin, Richard Biggs genuinely *chilled* me with his performance as he
came down off the stims. Of course the big question is how long can 
Franklin take this?

Delenn and Sheridan, the relationship is moving on.

Marcus. "We live for the One, we die for the One." He really will do
anything for Delenn now that she's Ranger One. More to the point he goes
one further than Zathras in B^2 not "We would die for the One" just "We die
for the One".

Neroon. A fast turnaround, but in character and well done.

So, what didn't I like?

Grey 17.

That simple... It just felt forced, the "We are the universe made manifest"
stuff seems to be important, but the whole Garibaldi versus the big bad
monster bit didn't seem to fit.

Unless it's a metaphor, and the perfect predators are the Shadows?

The Zarn looked like a cross between a Predator and the Icaaran war suit
from Infection.

So overall, it hit half its points well, and missed the other half almost

Steve Moore : ** smoore at btinternet.com **


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 37

spoiler replies....

Yeah, I really can't disagree with that analysis.  The Jeremiah thread was
one of those things that looks great on paper, but when you get it into a
camera...I dunno, it's one of those weirdnesses that happens in
television.  Sometimes you've got what you think is an average script and
it just roars to life on-camera, and something that looks great on paper,
but in real life...ehh...I'm happy with all the other stuff in the
episode, but the Jeremiah thread didn't come off as it should've.

I think in part it's also my fault, in that my brain was gearing up for
the stuff that begins ramping up starting with the next episode, and the
Grey 17 thing was something I'd wanted to do for a long time, and there
wasn't going to be a chance to do it down the road, if at all, after this
season, so I went for it.  As for the Zarg, that's also one of those
things that didn't come off visually as I'd wanted.  So overall, I'd
agree...of all the season 3 eps, this one is probably the least effective
of them all.  But one in a season, that ain't too bad....


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