ATT JMS: Demon Night

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 3 06:41:32 EDT 1996

Subject: ATT JMS: Demon Night
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 29, 1996: Morgan <Morgan at>
+  4: Sep  1, 1996: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
*  5: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
*  6: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Morgan <Morgan at>
Lines: 14

Having read Demon Night over the weekend, I was wondering
if you're ever going to give up this TV nonsense and get back
to what you're *really* good at?  ;-)

*after* you've finished B5 of course....

Morgan  (Anybody with a copy of Othersyde I can borrow/buy?)

"Nunc demum intellego," dixit Winnie ille Pu.  "Stultus et
delusus fui," dixit "et ursus sine ullo cerebro sum."


From: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
Lines: 31

In article <505bel$hkb at>,
orso steven n <s-orso at> wrote:
>Morgan <Morgan at> writes:
>>Having read Demon Night over the weekend, I was wondering
>>if you're ever going to give up this TV nonsense and get back
>>to what you're *really* good at?  ;-)
>>*after* you've finished B5 of course....
>Of course, what Auntie Morgan *really* means is "after you've finished B5
>*and* the five-year B5 spin-off" . . . .

At the B5 presentation at Worldcon yesterday, JMS mentioned that "The 
president of TNT" is interested in JMS possible doing some programming 
for TNT which would be backstory to B5 as we know it, such as the 
Earth-Minbari war...


"My people are coming"

"We came, we saw ... "

    J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf
   <*> jegolf at <*>
"We find meaning where we can." 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

Writing novels is something I do want to get back to; my next novel is
already fully outlined, I have all the research stuff I need, but it's a
1,000 page story, and I need one fairly focused year to write it.  So as
much as I enjoy writing novels, it'll have to wait until I'm done with B5,



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 19

Morgan: in hearing the sorts of books you like, I have two words for you:
Jonathan Carroll.  Try his "Bones of the Moon," or if you can find it,
"The Land of Laughs."

"Demon Night" was a decent first attempt; I never actually wrote it
intending for it to ever be published; I just sorta wrote it for myself,
as an exercise, then stuck it in a closet for almost 3 years until my
agent one day suggested I write one someday, and I mentioned I had one. 
Almost didn't give it to her, figuring it was an okay start, but I needed
to really learn more.  She read it, loved it, gave it to her NY associate,
who sold it to the first editor who looked at it, and it got a Bram Stoker
Award nomination from the Horror Writers of America.  So what the heck do
I know...?


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