JMS on CompuServe (Sep 03, 1996) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

Brent Barrett bbarrett at
Wed Sep 4 01:23:22 EDT 1996


  How many nominations did FoN receive?

        -Dupa T. Parrot, Team SF/F
        [Tech. Supp. SysOp] O-

#: 571558 S5/Babylon 5: General
    03-Sep-96  12:15:03
Sb: #571380-B5 Wins 1996 Hugo!
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot 70040,104

       I don't know offhand; my guess is that it was #5 in the overall
nominations list, because (I understand) they had to jump past #6 (The Long,
Twilight Struggle) to get to #7 (the DS9 episode) to find a non-B5 candidate
for the nominations list.  So we had 3 out of the top 6, and apparently two
more B5 episodes were high up on the list, I think in the top 10.


#: 571397 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    02-Sep-96  23:02:45
Sb: #571344-#WWE: Vorlons in the Past
Fm: Bruce Probst 71154,3171
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Hmm ... so the Vorlons walk on, take one look at Valen, and decide that he gets
"the stamp of approval"?  The ending of WWE gives the definite impression that
the Vorlons are endorsing Valen by flanking him.

Pretty quick of them, given that it took Kosh a couple of years to decide
whether Delenn was up-to-snuff.  Either that or they're pretty gullible.  Good
thing he wasn't trying to sell them a bridge!

#: 571559 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    03-Sep-96  12:15:04
Sb: #571397-WWE: Vorlons in the Past
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Bruce Probst 71154,3171

       Well, Bruce, given that there's a massive war on, they just had their
major starbase destroyed, they were left without a platform from which to stage
the last part of the war...and here comes someone offering a 6 mile long,
perfectly empty and eminently useable base for the last phase of the war, no
charge...hell, I'd take him up on it too.


#: 571506 S5/Babylon 5: General
    03-Sep-96  09:00:26
Sb: #571340-#Hugo Award
Fm: Shane S. Shellenbarger 104305,3404
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

        Congratulations to you, the cast, the crew, and all of the people who
helped make B5 a show more then worthy of the Hugo.  Hard work pays off!

p.s. Special congrats to Kathryn Drennan, for reasons only she and JMS will
ever know.

p.p.s. Even though I had attended the B5 presentation at the S.D.C.C. (which I
greatly enjoyed), I had as much fun at the 3:00 p.m. presentation at L.A. Con
III.  Well done, Joe.
        I also enjoyed The Debate and I commend you on your attitude of
tolerence toward all beliefs.


#: 571561 S5/Babylon 5: General
    03-Sep-96  12:15:09
Sb: #571506-Hugo Award
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Shane S. Shellenbarger 104305,3404

       Re: the debate...the one thing I'd wanted to mention in my closing
remarks, but didn't get around to, was that religion, science, atheism, are all
just tools, neither better nor worse than the people who use them.  They are
part of our attempt to understand the universe and our role in it.  They can be
used for good or ill, depending on who's involved and what they're after.


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