B5 vs. ST:V

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Thu Sep 5 06:16:39 EDT 1996

Subject: Re:B5 vs. ST:V
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Sep  5, 1996: theplotter at aol.com (Theplotter)
+  2: Sep  5, 1996: Wizzard <razel at worldnet.att.net>
*  3: Sep  5, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: theplotter at aol.com (Theplotter)
Lines: 35

Hate to get involved with this thread, but it's 12:30 a.m. and I've got
nothing better to do than mutter my useless opinions....

Just watched the season premire of ST:V.  If this episode is any
of the new series, it might actually be worth something, instead of
eating space between commercials.  Of course, this could just be a one
thing.  It might have to do with that a lot of the plot dealt with the
Doc(the only character on that intestinal scrape that's being done right
IMHO!)  and the sci-fi fave nutso Dourif.

Still, though, it doesn't exactly beat out even the varf episodes of B5. 
all its cheesiness and overdone devices, "Exogenesis" still whipped

Of course, anything Carter's in is great with me.  Has anyone else gone
through a buncha episodes of "She-Wolf of London" on the Sci-Fi channel to
check out the one with him in it?  It was so frickin weird!  And that
wardrobe!  (giggle...snork..)  At least he seemed to have fun with the

I'll go away now.  Any other opinions?

                                      The Plotter
                          (Queen of the Devilbunnies)

Theplotter at aol.com
"(sniff) Say!  That's fairly decent!"
                       -George Carlin "Toledo Windowbox recording"


From: Wizzard <razel at worldnet.att.net>
Lines: 42

Theplotter wrote:
> Hate to get involved with this thread, but it's 12:30 a.m. and I've got
> nothing better to do than mutter my useless opinions....
> Just watched the season premire of ST:V.  If this episode is any
> indication
> of the new series, it might actually be worth something, instead of
> garbage
> eating space between commercials.  Of course, this could just be a one
> time
> thing.  It might have to do with that a lot of the plot dealt with the
> Doc(the only character on that intestinal scrape that's being done right
> IMHO!)  and the sci-fi fave nutso Dourif.
> Still, though, it doesn't exactly beat out even the varf episodes of B5.
> For
> all its cheesiness and overdone devices, "Exogenesis" still whipped
> Voyager's
> tuchis.
> Of course, anything Carter's in is great with me.  Has anyone else gone
> through a buncha episodes of "She-Wolf of London" on the Sci-Fi channel to
> check out the one with him in it?  It was so frickin weird!  And that
> wardrobe!  (giggle...snork..)  At least he seemed to have fun with the
> part.
> I'll go away now.  Any other opinions?
>                                       The Plotter
>                           (Queen of the Devilbunnies)

Opinion?  Sure...
Reminded me of "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy.
The story was interesting over all, but the first half seemed stretched
out and slow moving (plot development?), and the second half had too much 
 to tell and the parts were too short.
'Course, ST endings more often than not, seem like they are massively 
edited to fit the time frame.
Just an opinion...


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 38

Can someone answer me some questions about the premiere, 'cause some stuff
just didn't seem to make sense.  I've tried to never pick on ST:V for its
stories, for obvious reasons, but some stuff here just jumped out at

Why were Starfleet officers, or hardened renegade Maquis, standing around
huddled and cold, rubbing their arms like lost children and looking
helpless when they should've been survival-trained at the basic Academy
level?  They were taught every aspect of a circuit board and a tachyon
field...but they don't know you can make fire easier with a couple of
flints than rubbing sticks together?  They looked utterly helpless without
their technology.

If the Kazon are mad because Voyager won't share its technology, then they
don't have that technology, right?  So in that case, how were they able to
know how to run every circuit of the ship when they came aboard, with zip
time to study it?  It seems to me they knew how to run it, how to fix it,
how to adjust it...so how is it they can say they don't have the

You come across bones lying on the ground, and nobody considers that these
may have been either a) a burial site (leave it alone) or b) remains from
a predator (get the hell out)?  

They built a solar still out of the dead ensign's uniform, but they
couldn't make a fire?  Say what?

And then people just wander out of camp, by themselves, in the night, when
they know there are predators and enemies around?  

Starfleet Academy must've become nothing more than an engineering school,
because a Boy Scout has better survival skills than this bunch.


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