ATTN JMS: Did you think you were going to win?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 12 06:11:48 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Did you think you were going to win?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep  8, 1996: julifolo at (watkins julia k)
*  2: Sep 12, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: julifolo at (watkins julia k)
Lines: 15

I was sure B5 was going to win the Hugo. I was also sure I was kidding 
myself. I've read some great descriptions of your happy grins at WorldCon.

I was the same way when Sean Connery was nominated for the Best Supporting
Actor Oscar, though I wasn't in a position to help with the outcome.
Very nervous until I heard the result. Then very happy.

Congratulations to cast and crew and you!

Julie Watkins
Happy Fan


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 33

I honestly didn't know how it was going to work out.  I figured
(correctly, as it turned out) that the main opposition would be Apollo 13.
 Which for my money would've been a good selection.  (Is it SF?  The
description John Campbell and, I think, Heinlein gave for SF is "the
impact on humans of technology."  It even uses the Analog Magazine
approach of finding a technical solution to a technical problem.  If
Apollo 13 doesn't count that way, what does?  Is it fiction?  Nnnnnooo, I
suppose, though certainly elements of it were fictionalized for purposes
of drama, and I guess that counts somewhat.)

Anyway, that dispute aside, and I can see why it's not a clear issues for
a lot of folks...understand that I've never won a major award before. 
I've been up for Ace Awards, the Writers Guild Award, the Gemini Award
(the Canadian equivilant of an Emmy), the HWA Bram Stoker Award,
others...but hadn't won, and as a result, you get very guarded about these
things.  So I didn't know for sure until the words left Roger Corman's

And I have to say...this show has won a lot of awards in different areas,
Emmys and others, but this one, for me, means the most.  Even Warners is
excited about it, and is taking out a double-page ad in most of the trades
this Friday, with others to appear the following week.  (We encouraged
them to also congratulate the nominees for the award as wel, since they
were all very deserving, it was stiff compettion.)


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