B5 mention on NPR

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Fri Sep 13 06:24:46 EDT 1996

Subject: B5 mention on NPR
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 12, 1996: robert_hardy at blake.pvt.k12.mn.us (Tom Hardy)
+  2: Sep 12, 1996: ayermish at netcom.com (Aimee Yermish)
*  3: Sep 13, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: robert_hardy at blake.pvt.k12.mn.us (Tom Hardy)
Lines: 30

[repost: originally posted 9-10-96]

This is from memory.

Earlier today, National Public Radio's _Talk of the Nation_ held
discussion of the upcoming television season between a guest host, two
critics, and callers.

A netted caller (are you reading this?) expressed her support for B5,
mentioning depth of characterization and continuing plot.  She said
that anyone who found it too slow moving in the first season should
give it another try, as the plot is really heating up.

A critic allowed as how it is really pretty good, and that is good to
see the franchise get a run for its money.

The host commented that Science Fiction fans have a lot to draw from
these days.

Interesting, but I got the sense that the medium was being divided
into regular TV, which includes comedy, drama, etc., and Science
Fiction, which is somehow in another class.

--      Tom Hardy      <*>
     RTHardy at aol.com
robert_hardy at blake.pvt.k12.mn.us


From: ayermish at netcom.com (Aimee Yermish)
Lines: 46

In article <519oc4$pap at viking.ties.k12.mn.us>,
Tom Hardy <robert_hardy at blake.pvt.k12.mn.us> wrote:

>Earlier today, National Public Radio's _Talk of the Nation_ held
>discussion of the upcoming television season between a guest host, two
>critics, and callers.

>A netted caller (are you reading this?) expressed her support for B5,
>mentioning depth of characterization and continuing plot.  She said
>that anyone who found it too slow moving in the first season should
>give it another try, as the plot is really heating up.

>A critic allowed as how it is really pretty good, and that is good to
>see the franchise get a run for its money.

>The host commented that Science Fiction fans have a lot to draw from
>these days.

>Interesting, but I got the sense that the medium was being divided
>into regular TV, which includes comedy, drama, etc., and Science
>Fiction, which is somehow in another class.

Yep, that was me.  I heard about the show coming up, and made an
appointment with my telephone to try to put in a plug for the best
thing on TV.  For reference, folks, to get onto a call-in program (and
by the way, Talk of the Nation is very good!), you have to start with
your redial button right at the beginning of the hour.  Big country.

I agree with your observations that science fiction, both in TV and
novels, is somehow still seen as that fringe stuff for those weirdos,
rather than as a legitimate branch of entertainment culture.  Plus, no
one seems to be able to get off the idea that Star Trek is the alpha
and omega of the genre (TV Guide seems to be driving that idea pretty
hard, too!)  The reason that I made a point of calling is to try to
raise the profile of intelligent science fiction, to see if we can
somehow sneak into the mainstream finally.

"If one guy does it, they'll think he's nuts and they won't take him.
If two guys do it, they'll think they're gay and won't take them
either.  But if three people go into the draft office and sing a
chorus of Alice's Restaurant, with feeling, they'll think there's a
whole *movement* out there..." (probably horribly mangled quote from
Arlo Guthrie)



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

Interesting...do you by any chance happen to remember who the critic was?


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