ATTN JMS: Considering Darin Morgan?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Sep 14 06:15:30 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Considering Darin Morgan?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 11, 1996: "David J. Rusin" <drusin at>
*  2: Sep 13, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "David J. Rusin" <drusin at>
Lines: 12


You've often stated that you don't exactly plan on repeating last year's
masochistic feat of writing all 22 episodes. Rumor has it that Darin 
Morgan, who won this year's Emmy of best writing for the X-files, is 
leaving the show. Has anyone considered netting this very talented guy
for Babylon 5? 

No, I'm not his agent, just a fan.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 27

As it happens...yes, I did call Darin Morgan's agent once I learned he'd
left X-Files.  I think he's the one other person who could write this show
about as well as I can...he has the right perverse mix of weird humor,
dark drama, and solid characterizations that typify both shows.  He's
taking a break from TV for a while, however, wanting to concentrate on
comedy, his first love.

I was nothing less than thrilled when I heard he got the Emmy.  He's a
dynamite writer.  The first ep of his that I saw, I missed the opening
credits, and spent most of the next day on the phone, trying to find out
who that was, 'cause whoever it was, I said at the time, they ought to let
him write ALL the scripts he wants, because he's Got It.  It was like that
moment in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," where they keep looking
behind them at the posse and asking, "Who the hell ARE those guys?"  I had
to know who this guy was.  I love what he does with dialogue and

As it turns out, we're both in competition for a Sci-Fi Universe award,
and while I'm obviously going to put my name in first, if a second vote is
allowed, I'm voting for Darin, and if he wins, I'll be absolutely and
sincerely pleased.  His is a rare talent.


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