B5 dreams of Londo

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Sep 14 06:25:37 EDT 1996

Subject: B5 dreams of Londo
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 12, 1996: jrr7 at cornell.edu (Jonathan Rynd)
+  2: Sep 13, 1996: Christine Hawkins <c.hawkins at nla.gov.au>
*  3: Sep 13, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: jrr7 at cornell.edu (Jonathan Rynd)
Lines: 22

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I _suppose_ this is ontopic...
Recently I had my first B5 dream.  Somehow I had befriended Londo, and we
were on Earth (his ship crashlanded?), and Martial Law had been declared. 
He was badly sick--it was obvious that he'd been poisoned (I looked it up
in the Lurker's Guide and it said that in such and such year Londo gets
poisoned), and I wanted to get him some help.  However there was only one
xenobiologist in the yellow pages, and when I called him the answering
machine said he'd gone to another city and wouldn't be back for a week. 
So to make it up to Londo I took him out to a movie at the local railroad

And actually, most of my dreams make even less sense than that one.

"Ethical Relativity: The exact same universal laws are always true,
 and apply to you no matter what your frame of reference is."


From: Christine Hawkins <c.hawkins at nla.gov.au>
Lines: 37

Jonathan Rynd wrote:

>                              B5 DREAMS OF LONDO
>I _suppose_ this is ontopic...
>Recently I had my first B5 dream.  Somehow I had befriended Londo, and we
>were on Earth (his ship crashlanded?), and Martial Law had been declared. 

[rest snipped]

Interesting.  I've never had a dream about Londo, but I did once dream 
that we had been invaded by the Centauri.  I must have been a 
collaborator in my dream, because I remember having coffee with a very 
good looking Centauri officer in a restaurant overlooking Circular Quay 
in Sydney.  (Of course, the good looking officer *could* have been a 
younger Londo in his salad days!)

Oddly enough, now I think back on the dream, the first place the Centauri 
invaded was Korea - the 4077th M*A*S*H to be exact.  Mixing genres as 
well as shows in my dreams!

Christine Hawkins 
c.hawkins at nla.gov.au 
 "Who would believe it ? The great and powerful Londo Mollari got his job
because no-one else was stupid enough to take it." 
     -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:"Dust to Dust"               
      T T T T T T T T        Christine Hawkins      
      I I I I I I I I        C.Hawkins at nla.gov.au


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 20

Speaking of dreams...I recently got caught in a dream feedback loop.

When I was at Worldcon in Anaheim, I made the mistake of eating a hot
pretzel in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head right before going to bed.  In
the dream, I had this thick head of hair...and somebody asked me how it
felt, having this thick head of hair, and I said, "Great, and now at last
I have a title for my autobiography: `I Dreamed I Had Hair.'"

And on this I shot staight awake, thinking "What the HELL was THAT?"

It's Mickey's fault.


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