ATTN JMS: May I quote you?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 19 06:14:33 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: May I quote you?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 18, 1996: sixstrng at
*  2: Sep 19, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: sixstrng at
Lines: 40

Hello, Mr. Straczynski:

We met briefly at WorldCon (I was the guy talking to you and Allen
Steele outside the SFFWA suite when they gave you your Shadow Hugo.)
 Congratulations on both "Hugos," by the way.

I just read the posting of your reasons for not going into the SFFWA
suite.   (I had erroneously assumed it had to do with the 5000K
temperature within).

I am a published writer working on an article about the current state
of science fiction.  My article will discuss, among other things, the
very issues you recently raised in your post about your problems with
the SFFWA.

I have a request:

1)  May I quote from that posting in my article?  (Or from your
response to this query, if you would like to elaborate on the

or, possibly even better,

2)  Since the Journal will not run your letter of resignation, might I
see it and quote from it, if applicable.  If you wish, I will let you
review my finished article for your approval before submitting it.

Thank you for your time.  See you online.

Terrill Burlison

sixstrng at
GuitarSoft at
73631.275 at
(The man of many IPs)


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

You can quote my message...I'd have to dig through endless files to find
my SFWA resignation...but the message only tells about 10% of the story,
so it's almost not worth the trouble.  It's kinda like a Martian landing
right after the end of the Civil War and asking a soldier trudging back
from the final field of battle, "So, what happened?"  Where do you


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