JMS on CompuServe (Sep 23, 1996) * FINAL FIVE SPOILERS * (1/2)

Brent Barrett bbarrett at
Mon Sep 23 21:00:20 EDT 1996

 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The following posts DO contain SPOILERS for
 upcoming Babylon 5 episodes.

 This SPECIAL section of "JMS on CompuServe" 
 posts contains spoilers for the Final Five 
 episodes of season three.  


 Continue at your own risk.





 Note that JMS has expressed his public permission 
 that all of his messages may be reproduced freely.

 I give permission for my summaries to be reposted in
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 the right to revoke this permission at any time.


 This SPECIAL section of "JMS on CompuServe" 
 posts contains spoilers for the Final Five 
 episodes of season three.  


  Archives of this material may be found at:
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 [ Summary of subjects in this section: ]
    Sb: #581060-Thank you from the uk
    Sb: #581091-<< WoW - Z'Ha'dum >>
    Sb: #581157-<<Season Finale>>
    Sb: #581166-Questions for JMS
    Sb: #581072-Z'Ha'Dum
    Sb: #581098-The man in-between ?
    Sb: #581090->>Za'Ha'Dum<<
    Sb: #581094-<<Za'Ha'Dum thanks>>
    Sb: #581095-<<Z'Ha'Dum>>

 [ Summary: Loved "Z'Ha'Dum," but can't wait for the new season to start
   in the U.K. ]

 #: 581292 S5/Babylon 5: General
    22-Sep-96  21:48:52
Sb: #581060-Thank you from the uk

      Thanks.  For me, waiting to hear reactions to the shows is almost as hard
as it must be to wait for them...and very pleasing when they come.


 [ Summary: Wonders why the Vorlons and Shadows couldn't see what John would
   do or how he would react in "Z'Ha'Dum" and if they foreaw his leap into
   the chasm. ]

 #: 581294 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    22-Sep-96  21:48:55
Sb: #581091-<< WoW - Z'Ha'dum >>

      I think the two sides have been too caught up in their own agendas to
realize what was happening right under their noses until it was too late...
except for Kosh, whose last traces did what they did...for a number of reasons.


 #: 581157 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    22-Sep-96  16:37:25
Sb: #<<Season Finale>>


   Well, what can I say that has not already been said?  The acting was first
rate, the writing superb as ever, the imagery truly stunning.  Everything from
Sheridan's decision to go to Zha'Ha'Dum, even though he knew he might not
return, to the destruction of the White Star, to the final confrontation on the
parapet between Sheridan and the being that his former wife had become, was
amazing.  Knowing that Kosh had mislead him in the past, it must have been a
difficult decision for John to place his trust in him and jump, (despite the
alternative...).  The White Star went out in a suitable blaze of glory, a fine
final mission for a ship that has served the Army of Light so well.

   Of course, the episode raised more questions than it ultimately answered; we
do not know how truthful Morden and Justin's description of the Shadows motives
is, nor do we now know what has happened to Sheridan himself, or to Garibaldi.
But then, that is part of the point of a season finale...<g>

   Joe, all I have to say now in closing this posting is : thankyou. Thankyou
to yourself, and all the cast and crew of Babylon 5 that worked to bring us
this Season, and are still working to bring us the next.  You have created
something that, in the words of Delenn, 'Will endure for a thousand years', and
that has enriched and illuminated the lives of everybody here, (Peter Stathis
excepted <g>).  Long may Babylon 5 last, both as a production, and in spirit.

Simon Pallett

 #: 581295 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    22-Sep-96  21:48:58
Sb: #581157-<<Season Finale>>

      Thanks...the final fate of the first White Star is very moving, like some
great silver bird plunging on fire out of the sky, bringing retribution and
striking one last time.  That kind of image is a very powerful one to me, and
it works very well here.

      As for what Morden and Justin told Sheridan...I'd say it was pretty much
the truth.


 #: 581166 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    22-Sep-96  16:55:17
Sb: #Questions for JMS

Hello Joe,

I have few questions about Walkabout and Grey 17:


1.  Why do the Vorlon ships come out of the jumpgates backwards? Less painful?

2.  I have to make a comment about Pat Tallman and I mean no offense by it.
Her looks when you first see her in an episode are disturbing to me. However,
as I keep looking at her she becomes more and more appealing or acceptable.
Maybe its the slight cross in her eyes, or her clothes.  I dont know if you had
similar comments about her.  I think her character is great however and she
does a great job.

3.  This piece of Kosh thing has me puzzled.  Now I dont want to make ST
comparisons and feel free to slam me if Im out of line.  Is this "Piece" the
vorlons are looking for, his living spirit?

4.  Even though I thought Walkabout was a great episode I thought it was
predictable with a similar ending like VOA (I think) when Delenn and Minbari
saved B5 from EA.

5.  Loved the singer thing with Franklin.  I still think Gary numan music has a
place in B5 in the Zocalo or a night club. I think it fits the atmosphere.

Grey 17

1.  The only big comment I have is garibaldi's zip gun and that he did not call
it a zip gun.  That would've fit garibaldi to a tee, I think.   Six bullets in
the pipe all at once would have blown his hands and anything close to it right
off.   With all that junk around he could have done something else ( again I
think ).  When I was in school, kids used to make them all the time in metal

In all that confusion I cant remember if Garibaldi fired six shots or only
five?  :)

thanks for listening.   Take care of yourself.

Mike ( That was lovely cheese )

 #: 581296 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    22-Sep-96  21:49:01
Sb: #581166-Questions for JMS

      Vorlon ships come out backwards when possible to help decelerate.

      Pat has interesting eyes...they're slightly larger than is the norm, and
they take some getting used to.  Those eyes are one of the things that beckoned
to me to cast her...they're the eyes of a telepath, who sees more than should
be seen.  They're terrific eyes.


 [ Summary: This poster says, ". . . beautiful IS the word for that final
   episode."  He goes on to ask if JMS knows when Channel 4 will start airing
   the fourth year of the show. ]

 #: 581297 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  21:49:03
Sb: #581072-Z'Ha'Dum

      Haven't heard formally when C4 will air the fourth year...and thanks.


 [ Summary: Asks JMS if the line in Sheridan's dream wasn't actually,
   "the man in between is looking for you." ]

 #: 581298 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  21:49:05
Sb: #581098-The man in-between ?

      Nope.  It's the man in the middle.


 #: 581090 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  15:47:53
Sb: #>>Za'Ha'Dum<<


I've just finnished watching Za'Ha'Dum. WOW! Talk about an EXPLOSIVE ending!
Two huge mines and a whole white star class battle cruiser exploding on top of
poor old John Sherridon. Certainly puts Fox Mulders 'couple 'a sticks 'o TNT to
shame (Re: Fox being blown up in the season 2 clifhanger).

And Micheal Garibaldi! GOODNESS!

Well, now the serious questions.

Firstly, in War without End, Sherridon is alive and well, but with his past
self inhabiting his body ( I presume, since Delen or Londo aren't surprised to
see him there - and he and Delen have a son). This must mean that Sheridon is
not dead, and survived the explosion.

Also, that peice of Kosh that is inside John told him to Jump. There must have
been a motive for that action.  So, can I ask if I am correct and John S is
still alive?

Secondly, Micheal Garibaldi is now encased in a Shadow ship. Does this have any
connection to the Season 4 episode "WHatever happened to Mr Garibaldi"?

Thridly, Julain - the "Old Guy" on Za'Ha'Dum is the Man in the Middle? Or is he
Sheridons Equal and Opposite on the other side? Or is that Mr Morden? Or that
man that spoke to Londo and Vir.

Anyway - finally I'll pass some serious comment on this killer (Literally)
episode :-)

Ever since Anna Sherridon entered Dellen and Sheredon's love shack (ahem) last
week in Shadow Dancing's final sequence, my heart has been pounding. I NEEDED
to know what was going to happen!

This week I got my reward for waiting. I passed on the spoilder posted up here
the other day, so I didn't spoil it for myself.

>From the dreamy/flashbacky beginning, to the just darned scary ending - I was
excited, scared, worried, happy, sad - one after the other (not in that order).

I just KNEW Anna had a hidden agenda. As soon as John and she left the station
and hit Hyperspace, those Shadows appeared ready to pounce on B5. Obviously
awaiting Johns decision back on Za'Ha'Dum.

So what do I think of the Shadows motives? I think they are the chaos to the
Vorlons Order. One stands for destruction, war  and death, the other stands for
Unity, beleif and Co-operation.

The Shadows, IMHO, are using Survival of the Fittest as an excuse to wreak
havoc and chaos in the universe. They appear to enjoy War. The Vorlons, on the
other hand, are the beings that must stop the shadows at all costs. I think
that they must have had to do some neccecary evils. Genetic manipulation,
appearing as our deities and bringing union amongst once enemies.

My reasoning for disagreeing with the Shadows is as follows:

War is an inevitablility of a 'civilised' world/universe. We wage war for any
number of reasons.. Religion, Polotics, teritory or financial gain. Whatever
the reason, every war starts for a logical understandable thing. Take the
Second World War. Hitler was an evil man, but he got to be so powerful because
he manipulated the emotions of the Germans into beleiving he can bring them
power, wealth and health once more. His invasion forces didn't just invade for
the sake of war, they invaded for teritory, power and greed. Evil as that may
be, it contrasts the the reasoning the Shadows give for war.

The Shadows are suggesting that War does not happen for any particular reason,
but instead happens for the sake of evolution and it is their job to make sure
that continues. Their examples of things that can stem from War include Poems,
Technology and so on. While on reflection, we do make significant advances
during times of war, it is also true that other advances are made without war.
Gravity wasn't discovered during a war, nor was Electricity. Television wasn't
invented during wartime either.  Most discoveries and inventions have been made
due to natural curiosity and a need to learn and discover.  War merely sped up
evolution, rather than enabled it.

We may have evolved differently if we had no wars. We may have had a different
society, but for the Shadows to say that War is the escence of Progress, in my
opinion, is like saying lives are expendable on a massive scale. They beleive
it's OK to comit mass genocide because we have wars anyway.

Yes, I don't think the Shadows have a very good motive, and no, I don't agree.

Comments on the show itself:

No.1: GREAAT effects! The planet looks great, and that HUGE Shadow City. WOW!
Seeing the White star crash through the dome!

No.2 I hear more use of orchestration, rather than synth music in the show. Has
Chrstopher Franken got a bigger orchestra to work with now?

No.3. When is Channel 4 palnning to bring B5 back next year? They said "The New
Year" but they said that last time, and we waited untill around the end of
March, beginning of April.

No.4. Well done on an excellent 3rd season. May your mind spawn may more
excellent episodes as you have allready (If that sounds right <G>)

No.5. Oh, just one more - thanks  again <G>

Simon Grierson.

 #: 581299 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  21:49:08
Sb: #581090->>Za'Ha'Dum<<


      Obviously the questions are better answered in the series, but I think
you'll find the answers interesting.

      As for the music, no, it's the same orchestra Chris has always used. I've
seen times when people assumed he was using synth and wasn't.  He uses the
Berlin Film Symphonic Orchestra for a goodly amount of the work for the show.


 [ Summary: Thought "Z'Ha'Dum" was a "Tremendous episode." Asks if the White
   Star ejected its Vorlon "life" from itself before impact and possibly used
   that to protect Sheridan from the blast. ]

 #: 581300 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  21:49:10
Sb: #581094-<<Za'Ha'Dum thanks>>

      No, the White Star didn't have any substantial consciousness to eject
before impact.  It's gone.

      And thanks, on it all...G'Kar's final litany is very moving, and the
music throughout works so you say, it's going to be hard to beat.

      But that's what we do around here.  Because if we ain't pushing it every
day to get better, what's the point of living?

      Having now seen the first two finished S4 episodes...I think people are
going to be pleased.  What strikes me about the new season is that it seems
suddenly very mature, more filmic...everyone's very excited about it here.


 #: 581095 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  15:52:09
Sb: #<<Z'Ha'Dum>>

        Well......If you're familiar with the phrase gob-smacked, you know how
I feel! What is it with you? You've now killed/removed the first two commanders
of B5. What are you going to do to Ivanova next year? And Garibaldi? I can't
believe Sheridan asked him to do what he did. Even harder to believe is the
fact he did it! After watching that ep, I just sat there open-mouthed. I pity
anyone who comes into this durring next season, having said that if you keep
racking up the tension, and storyline like this you're going to give a lot of
current viewers coronaries.
        The thing I must say is that despite whatever is said about the network
suits, they've allowed you to do things in the past three years, that most
writer/producers aren't allowed to do. That's a tribute to your skill as a
writer, and an affirmmation, in the basic intelligence of even
Network-Executive man.
        Whatever viewers in the states felt about missing these episodes is
nowhere near as bad as we know feel, having to wait at least 8 months before we
get to see what happens. How on earth do I avoid eight months of spoilers? Oh
well, at least I know it'll be worth it.

        Thank you


 #: 581301 S7/Babylon 5 in the UK
    22-Sep-96  21:49:12
Sb: #581095-<<Z'Ha'Dum>>

      Thank you, and what you say is quite true: whatever else one may say
about Warner Bros., however much we may feel frustrated about the videotape
issue, or the PR, or other elements, the stone cold fact is that they let us
make this show the way we want to make it.  They don't interfere, they don't
give notes, they leave us alone.  They trust us.  I'd rather have that trust
and do the story I want, than have all 3 seasons on tape and not have it be the
series I wanted to do.  If that's the trade-off, then I take it gladly.


 [ Continued in next section -- BB ]

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