ATTN: JMS I'm hooked!! Praise & Query

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 26 06:28:23 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS I'm hooked!! Praise & Query
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 24, 1996: Carol Dubois USG <dubois at>
+  2: Sep 24, 1996: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
*  3: Sep 25, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Carol Dubois USG <dubois at>
Lines: 38


I'm a relatively new viewer of Babylon 5.  Due to 2 lovely people lending us
tapes in the last few months, my spouse and I have now seen every episode,
including the pilot.  


This is, by far, the best show on television.  Whenever we turn on any other 
show, we find ourselves reaching for our books.  Babylon 5 is intelligent,
well-written, fast-paced, and beautifully and accurately portrays the
intricacies in human nature and human relationships. 

There is 1 question I have had to which I have not found the answer anywhere.
Several friends and I have discussed this, and we come up with different
answers:  How long was Susan Ivanova's and Talia Winter's relationship 
romantic/sexual?  It seems that they had a good 6-8 months where they were 
becoming quite close (since "A Race Through Dark Places").  In the breakfast 
scene in "Divided Loyalties" they were remarking on how surprised they were 
that it had taken them 2 years "to get to this point."  This indicates to me 
that they could already be in a romantic relationship, and probably a sexual 
one, by the beginning of DL.    

On the other hand, the fact that Talia didn't just ask directly to stay at
Susan's, along with Talia's reaction to the shower, both seem to indicate that
this is at least the first time that Talia has spent the night at Susan's,
and probably the first time that they had made love.  Therefore, would you 
tell me, please:

How long were Susan and Talia sexually involved?  And how long were they
romantically involved?  I realize that the two may be quite different answers.

Thank you for your time, and thank you for such an *excellent* show.



From: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
Lines: 19

In article <9609240031.AA26268 at>,
Carol Dubois USG  <dubois at> wrote:

> There is 1 question I have had to which I have not found the answer
> anywhere.  Several friends and I have discussed this, and we come up
> with different answers: How long was Susan Ivanova's and Talia
> Winter's relationship romantic/sexual?

One night (of perfect beauty :-)).  Jms said this when it aired.
Also, FWIW, he also said that this was Ivanova's first time with a
woman, although, presumably it was not for Talia.

* Jay Denebeim, Moderator,   *
* newsgroup submission address:   rastb5 at             *
* moderator contact address:      rastb5-request at     *
* personal contact address:       denebeim at *


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Susan and Talia had been dancing around one another for months; that
night, though, would've been the first time they got physically intimate.


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