ATTN JMS: Bizarre Story

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Sep 29 06:23:00 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Bizarre Story
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 26, 1996: elmwood at (Susan Bischoff)
+  2: Sep 28, 1996: throopw at (Wayne Throop)
*  3: Sep 29, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: elmwood at (Susan Bischoff)
Lines: 23

	It's very stange how B5 touches people.  WhenI was at work (Waldenbooks) 
the other day a man was standing there looking lost.  When I asked if he
needed help he said he was looking for a sciece fiction book, but didn't
know the title or author.  He did know 'stars' was in the title and the
authors initials.  Yeah, I can just see looking up a common word and two
letters.  The computer would STILL be sorting them.  Anyway, we looked in
the section, then in Locus since he said it was a reprint from the 40's
(50's actually).  While he went on about the character development and the
(still) innovative story he happened to say it was about telepaths. 
Eureeka!  That word set off my brain to come up with Alfred Bester.  He was
happy we did have the book, "The Stars My Destination" (our store has
REALLY high shelves, at 4'11" I can't even read the titles properly up
there) but for some reason he wasn't too impressed with the reason I came
up with the author.  Stick in the mud:(.  Oh well, I guess you had to be

By the way, I have reserved two copies of your book.  Are you comng East
anytime soon?



From: throopw at (Wayne Throop)
Lines: 25

: elmwood at (Susan Bischoff)
: WhenI was at work (Waldenbooks) the other day a man was standing there
: looking lost.  When I asked if he needed help he said he was looking
: for a sciece fiction book, but didn't know the title or author.  He
: did know 'stars' was in the title and the authors initials.  [...]
: While he went on about the character development and the (still)
: innovative story he happened to say it was about telepaths.  Eureeka!
: That word set off my brain to come up with Alfred Bester.  He was
: happy we did have the book, "The Stars My Destination"

Except, of course, that "The Stars My Destination" isn't about
telepaths, but about teleports.  The Bester story about telepaths
is "The Demolished Man".  A "story about telepaths with stars
in the title" might be "Time for the Stars", but it's not
really a "classic", nor do the initials match.

( Though... my memory vaguely calls up an impression that there
  might, after all, be a telepathic character in tSMD...
  time to dig it out and reread it.  Ah, the Four Mile Circus.
  Blue Jaunts.  "I kill you Vorga.  I kill you filthy."
  Pure nostalgia. )
Wayne Throop   throopw at
               throopw at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 22

Only east-coast convention currently planned for sure is Necronomicon in
October, though there are some discussions ongoing with ICON and MIT wants
me out one of these years.  The problem is always in finding enough free
time for a trip that far when we're shooting.  It knocks the hell out of
me, and if I fall down, the show trips as well, and I can't afford that. 
It's nuts...I threw my back out badly a week or so ago, and I could watch
the dominoes teeter slightly in terms of script delivery to prep to
post...someone on the set joked "when joe gets a cold, B5 sneezes." 
Obviously we're now back up to speed, though.

Still, this year, the studio did something it didn't do last year, and
added me to the insured list which normally covers the cast and director
of photography, so if by any terrible happenstance a meteor should turf me
when I'm walking out the door, the show will be covered.


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