Heartfelt thanks!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun Apr 27 06:21:10 EDT 1997

From: Dany Lamontagne <lmcdlam at LMC.Ericsson.SE>
Date: 25 Apr 1997 12:42:19 -0400
Lines: 45

Hi Joe,

Well, I think it is time I tell you what I think about Babylon 5.


Apologies for shouting, but it had to come out :) I was not lucky enough to catch the show right at the beginning. In fact, I started to follow it with "Come the Inquisitor". I never missed a show after that. And I just HAVE to see it live, even though it is broadcasted on Tuesdays 12:00am where I live. I tried to tape it and watch it later... Never worked! I just can't go to sleep knowing a new episode is running.

Now, I have just finished catching up by reading the synopsis of episodes for years 1 and 2 on Lurker's... I read all the comments, notes and analysis too... You know what I find the best about this series? You read about an episode in year 1, and you see all the results of those events... 2-3 years later! I have yet to find a single mistake in the whole story line(and I don't think I will...)

It all comes down to this : For once, somebody has taken the time and put the effort to tell a story on TV that feels like a novel. The characters are deeply developed, the storyline is amazing, the effects are top quality... I could go on for hours. From my point of view, it outclasses most SF movies made to date. And even most NON-SF shows and movies...

There are two things I still hope for :
  - There will be a fifth season, so you can tell the story as it should be.
  - There will be reruns, so I can see the first two seasons.

Well, thanks again for being who you are and doing what you do, and most of all, for sharing with us this marvellous universe you created.

Dany Lamontagne

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Dany Lamontagne               Design - Call Establishment    
ERICSSON Communications Inc.  E-mail: lmcdlam at lmc.ericsson.se
8400 Decarie Blvd             Memo  : LMC.LMCDLAM
Town of Mont Royal, Quebec    Phone : +1 514 345 7900 x5130

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Apr 1997 18:37:25 -0400
Lines: 9

Thanks.  And at least one of your wishes is assured...TNT will air reruns.
 The rest is still being discussed.


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