bad publicity?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Aug 21 06:32:32 EDT 1997

From: crystal lee snyder <cls250 at>
Date: 19 Aug 1997 23:39:12 -0400
Lines: 19

Mr. Straczynski,

	  I sit in awe everytime B5 comes on.  Even in the midst of this rerun
hell, I still marvel at what a truly talented and ingenious writer you are.
 However, I am truly impressed by the level of integrity you exhibited
during the CC incident when fans blamed you for what happened.  I can't
beleive CC is still trying to justify her actions by making up absurd
statements and alienating herself from those "friends" she spent the last
couple of years with.  

	 Do you think BB "ah, hell" attitude and pinpointing David Caruso out in
t.v. guide or the whole incident with CC will give B5 significant bad
publicity?  Everything seemed to be falling into place after the renewal
for the 5th year.



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Aug 1997 11:20:08 -0400
Lines: 16

>Do you think BB "ah, hell" attitude and pinpointing David Caruso out in
>t.v. guide or the whole incident with CC will give B5 significant bad
>publicity?  Everything seemed to be falling into place after the renewal
>for the 5th year.

I asked WB what feedback they'd gotten on it, and according to our liaison
over there, they've gotten 5 faxes and another half-dozen letters.  That's

By the time the new season begins, this will be six months out of the
news, and the media has a memory of only about 2 weeks.

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