ATTN JMS: Attempting the Improbable (another writing question)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Dec 27 06:11:13 EST 1997

From: Gordon Wetmore <gwetmore at>
Date: 24 Dec 1997 08:34:00 -0700
Lines: 13

Hi Joe,
    I've been meaning to ask this one for awhile. On a totally
hypothetical, if you had accepted the exec producer, writer job at a
suffering show (like SeaQuest, or Space Above and Beyond,) would you
place your focus on creating quality within the individual episode, the
season, or the story-arc. Or in other words, if a show is broke, how
would you go about fixing it?

Thanks much, and Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Kwanzaa. We are
glad you're here.

Gordon Wetmore

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Dec 1997 11:26:32 -0700
Lines: 17

>On a totally
>hypothetical, if you had accepted the exec producer, writer job at a
>suffering show (like SeaQuest, or Space Above and Beyond,) would you
>place your focus on creating quality within the individual episode, the
>season, or the story-arc. Or in other words, if a show is broke, how
>would you go about fixing it?

If a show doesn't work, there's only one way to fix it...and it ain't adding
battles, or arcs, or's the characters.  Audiences will tune in to
see what happens next to the characters they care about.  If that bond ain't've got nowhere to go.  It all proceeds from character.

As for SeaQuest, about the only thing that would've helped there would've been
depth charges.

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