ATTN JMS: Is it really you?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 4 06:07:14 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Is it really you?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb  2, 1997: b1gator at
*  2: Feb  3, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: b1gator at
Lines: 20

I was reading through White Wolf's new collection of Harlan Ellison stuff
(excellent writer and commentator on society as a whole; he must be nice to
work with <giggle>) and I saw a few letters that were collected in the "An
Edge In My Voice" section that were written in by none other than one J.
Michael Straczynski. He (Mr. Ellison that is) also mentioned that J. Michael
Straczynski took over hosting a radio show in the LA area. I haven't ever
heard of this before (as opposed to knowing about Cap'n Power- one of my
favs as a kid, Ghostbusters, etc.), and I was wondering if it was really
you. Thanks for taking the time to respond (or not) to this little nothing.
I'm sure you have about one billion other important things to be doing. 

P.S.- I always liked Vir, and I like what you're doing with him. By far one
of the best characters on B5, or TV as a whole. 

Dan Coffin
b1gator at
sic transit gloria mundi


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

"He (Mr. Ellison that is) also mentioned that J. Michael Straczynski took
over hosting a radio show in the LA area. I haven't ever heard of this
before (as opposed to knowing about Cap'n Power- one of my favs as a kid,
Ghostbusters, etc.), and I was wondering if it was really you."

Yeah, that was me.  The show was HOUR 25, a 2-hour weekly talk show
covering SF, fantasy, comics, horror, you name it.  I hosted the show for
5 years on KPFK-FM.


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