ATTN JMS -- The Long Night - Something magical happened...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 4 06:22:15 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS -- The Long Night - Something magical happened...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb  2, 1997: "John T. Carr III" <jtc11 at>
*  2: Feb  3, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "John T. Carr III" <jtc11 at>
Lines: 34

Yesterday (that's Feb. 1st) something magical happened that I think you
ought to know about.

Here in NYC there's a monthly gathering of B5 fans at the Science Fiction,
Mysteries and More! bookshop to watch B5. Yesterday was the Feb. meeting
and we all gathered to watch The Long Night for the first time, well in
advance of the 11pm air time.

Joe, people cried.

There were tears, there were gasps, shouts, cries of "no, he wouldn't
*dare*" -- and times of quiet where you could hear a pin land on the
carpet. In my mind, this ranks with Z'Ha Dum as being THE most
character-driven episode yet, and being able to share it with people who I
now call good friends - people who I probably would have never even MET if
it hadn't been for B5 - made it all the more special.

Thank you, sir, for crafting such a beautiful gem. On behalf of the NYC B5
Fan Club, please thank the cast and crew (especially Andreas and Peter)
for a day of entertainment and fellowship that I'll carry with me the rest
of my life..

****************John T. Carr III**<jtc11 at>*********************
+  o__       @__     + The New York B5 Club meets on the 1st Saturday of 
|  _.>/)_    _.>/)_  | the month at the Science Fiction, Mysteries and 
+ (_) \(_)  (_) \(_) + More bookshop, located on Chambers Street in NYC
|        <*>         | (#1,2,3,9 subway stop puts you out right in front)


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 10

That's an amazing (and amazingly gratifying) report...thank you very muc
for that.  And my best to the NY fans.  Thanks again.


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