ATTN: JMS - "Into the Fire" (spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Feb 5 06:15:10 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN: JMS - "Into the Fire" (spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb  4, 1997: "Mike Loux" <mloux at>
+  2: Feb  4, 1997: daoffer at (Debora Offer)
*  3: Feb  5, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Mike Loux" <mloux at>
Lines: 87

Howdy JMS,

	Just finished watching "Into the Fire" (Thank you Fox 61 for showing 
it on Mondays!), and all I can say is: if the series ended today I 
would be satisfied.  I'm almost tempted to rewind the tape and watch 
it again right now, but alas I have to be up at 5:30, so I better hit 
the sack.  But not before a few questions I had:

(spoiler space of course)





ya da deee

There, that ought to do it.

1)  The voice of the shadow "hologram" (for lack of a better term);
    was that Ed Wasser?  If so, it certainly fits. 

2)  So, has this changed anything that would have/will happen in
    WWE? If all the shadows left now, why would they come back 17
    years later to ravage the surface of Centauri Prime?  Or was it
    from another source and Londo merely thought it was the shadows? 

3)  Which leads me to another question, and maybe I'm answering the
    previous question myself, but who's to say ALL of the shadows
    will leave?  I imagine EarthDome won't want to give up their
    "associates" so easily (although with Morden shorter by a head,
    this could fall apart on its own - speaking of which, thank you
    for finally showing us Morden come unhinged.  I thought the man
    had ice in his veins; it's good to see that that mask can be
    cracked after all).

4)  All of the people talking to Delenn as mouthpieces for the
    shadows were people we recognized.  But who was the Vorlon's
    representative?  Looked kind of like a Centauri telepath, but
    that doesn't really seem to have any relevance... 

    Can't think of any other questions at the moment, but all I can
    say is that even when things were winding down, I was expecting
    you to throw a curveball at me.  I expected Vir to look down
    when embracing Londo and discover the Keeper growing out of his
    shoulder, or for John and Delenn to come out of hyperspace and
    find Babylon 5 surrounded by EA ships.  You've made us way too

	Well, I'll at least admit that you did give us something to chew on 
with next week's teaser.  It's good to see all the loose ends being 
tied up (or is there another major change still to come?)

	At any rate, thanks again for such an awesome episode.  Now I can 
understand what people meant when they said that an ep couldn't 
possibly have fit into an hour (usually they go by WAY too fast when 
I'm watching); I would have SWORN up and down that this ep took at 
least 2 hours to unfold; it was so packed with stuff.  

	I'm babbling (must be after midnight...).  Keep up the good work, 
and here's hoping the WB people will do a fifth season!  You'll need 
it just to tie up all the threads!


Mike Loux - Internet Developer, Fleet Services Corp. (by day)
CPN (certified practicing nutcase), web designer etc. (by night)
E-Mail: Michael_J_Loux at (day) mloux at (otherwise)
My still-being-worked-on home page -


From: daoffer at (Debora Offer)
Lines: 72

In article <199702040544.AAA03242 at>,
Mike Loux <mloux at> wrote:
>Howdy JMS,

>	Just finished watching "Into the Fire" (Thank you Fox 61 for showing 
>it on Mondays!), and all I can say is: if the series ended today I 
>would be satisfied.  I'm almost tempted to rewind the tape and watch 
>it again right now, but alas I have to be up at 5:30, so I better hit 
>the sack.  But not before a few questions I had:

>(spoiler space of course)

>There, that ought to do it.
>1)  The voice of the shadow "hologram" (for lack of a better term);
>    was that Ed Wasser?  If so, it certainly fits. 

I'm pretty sure it was "Morden".  I liked the effect too.

>2)  So, has this changed anything that would have/will happen in
>    WWE? If all the shadows left now, why would they come back 17
>    years later to ravage the surface of Centauri Prime?  Or was it
>    from another source and Londo merely thought it was the shadows? 

It's not the Shadows but their *allies* that destroy Centauri
Prime.  Remember that demonic creature from Season 2 (I think)
that was preying on the lurker (played by Dwight Schultz)? I'm
sure the Shadows have plenty of helpers like that on.

The most terrible thing for me was knowing that Londo's and
his people's sacrifice of the island of Salini was worse than
useless.  It wasn't enough to keep the Vorlons away, it ensured
the destruction of Centauri Prime by the Shadow allies, and
it *wasn't necessary*.  If Londo had done nothing, the Vorlons
and Shadows would have left anyway.  Argh!!!!!!  I wonder if
he will ever realize that his own actions brought on the destruction
of his people.

\__ __/ Debora      daoffer at    Austin, Texas \__ __/
   T any opinions expressed are mine, not necessarily my employers T
"Real women don't have hot flashes, they have power surges."


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Thanks...and the shadow voice was definitely Ed Wasser.


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