ATT:JMS Into the Fire ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Feb 13 06:07:42 EST 1997

Subject: ATT:JMS Into the Fire ( *Spoilers* )
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 11, 1997: jegolf at MCS.COM (J.M.Egolf)
*  2: Feb 13, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jegolf at MCS.COM (J.M.Egolf)
Lines: 78

Spoilers for Into the Fire

Okay, let's try this again (forgot which group I was posting to -- used
wrong spoiler protection)

>Forgive me if this has already been hashed over -- haven't been able to
>keep up with the newsgroup --
>In "Into the Fire" we find that all Londo's efforts to save Centarui Prime
>(or at least all the efforts tinged with revenge -- Refa, Morden) were for
>nothing, and may have even made things worse.
>If I understand the end of 3rd season correctly, Sheridan's confrontation
>of Kosh 1 caused Kosh 1 to directly confront the Shadows, broke the
>agreement between the Vorlons and the Shadows (that they'd only fight
>through the Younger Races) got Kosh killed, and indireclty precipitated
>the attacks by the Vorlons on worlds that were Shadow influenced.
>Theoretically, if Sheridan hadn't confronted Kosh, the war would not have
>escalated, yes? So in some ways, *his* forcing the action made things
>Am I way off base here? Was this a deliberate parallel, or is your
>Unconscious working overtime again? <grin>
>And if I'm *not* way off base, and you haven't already covered this, could
>you please take a little time from fighting with the PTEN lawyers (it'll
>be a nice break, I would think) to explain (again?) how Free Will works in
>the B5 universe? I vaguely recall somebody trying to pick an argument with
>you about this earlier, but they were confusing the free will of the
>characters as people in a self- contained universe with the free will of
>the characters as your creations.
>Thanks again.
>Oh, I liked ItF just fine -- it worked for me, despite my already having
>figured out what would happen, and despite my disagreeing entirely with
>the premise (in my worldview, the Divine isn't manipulating us to join in
>The Battle on Its side, but *wants* us to use our free will to take
>responsibility for our own choices...)
>J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf	"A mistake is a mistake, where's the mileage in
>jegolf at		saying it didn't happen? In what parallel
>			universe did it not happen?" JMS on CIS 02/05/97

J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf	"A mistake is a mistake, where's the mileage in
jegolf at		saying it didn't happen? In what parallel
			universe did it not happen?" JMS on CIS 02/05/97


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Yes, if Sheridan had not pushed Kosh into the trigger event that started
to accellerate the story, the events that followed...wouldn't have.


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