ATTN JMS: 14th April for season 4 in UK?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Feb 17 06:41:32 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: 14th April for season 4 in UK?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 15, 1997: Margaret Hall <mhall at>
*  2: Feb 16, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Margaret Hall <mhall at>
Lines: 40

Hello Joe

Have you heard anything about the date for the start of season 4 in the
UK? According to a letter I received a couple of weeks ago from the
Welsh language channel S4C it will be April (the date you suggested as
the earliest practicable date). 

I had written to them about the repeats of Season 1 (which we're not
getting in Wales) and after explaining that their commitment to Welsh
langauge programming did not allow them sufficient airtime for as many
repeats as the main C4, they went on to say, "However, you'll be glad to
know that the next series has been provisionally scheduled to start on
the 14th April 1997 on Channel 4. That series will definitely be shown
by S4C, although I am unable to give you a date and time at present."

However, according to posts on the UK B5 newsgroup, C4 say they have not
yet fixed a date and will not announce one until about 2 weeks before
the season starts. Have S4C let the cat out of the bag? Or are they just

I'd also like to say thanks for a very enjoyable series. I've begun
watching the whole thing again from the beginning (on video) in order to
build up to Season 4, and now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see
that what I thought were just throwaway lines, actually had a deeper
significance. I also thought TKO was much better than I remembered it.
It was shown completely out of sequence on first airing and it brings
home how much the context of an episode can alter your view of it. I
really only remembered the boxing/martial arts story line, but this time
Ivanova's loss of her father came over much more strongly.

Thanks anyway...

Margaret Hall, Gwynedd, Wales, UK
E-mail: mhall at
Homepage: fantasy fiction - for magic, murder and political intrigue try


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 18

"I had written to them about the repeats of Season 1 (which we're not
getting in Wales) and after explaining that their commitment to Welsh
langauge programming did not allow them sufficient airtime for as many
repeats as the main C4, they went on to say, "However, you'll be glad to
know that the next series has been provisionally scheduled to start on
the 14th April 1997 on Channel 4. That series will definitely be shown
by S4C, although I am unable to give you a date and time at present.""

This is the first time I've heard a specific date, so I can't comment with
any kind of competence one way or another...I can only nod wisely, as if I
knew what the hell was actually going on....


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