Attn JMS: characters in control

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jan 5 06:17:15 EST 1997

Subject: Attn JMS: characters in control
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan  5, 1997: David Frankel <frankel at>
*  2: Jan  5, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: David Frankel <frankel at>
Lines: 18

You've often talked about how the characters "talk" to you, perhaps 
goading you in different directions than you had planned.  You commented 
how Vir has surprised you the most.

Has a character (not actor) ever suggested a direction to you that you 
didn't take, but later on seemed like the direction you should have 
taken? I would think they would all be fighting for screen-time, or is 
that just some actors? ;)

That sounded weird, now that I've read it again:  schizophrenic regret; 
but as Stephen King once said "writers are paid to listen to those 

David "doesn't hear voices, shut-up, honest he doesn't" Frankel


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

"Has a character (not actor) ever suggested a direction to you that you
didn't take, but later on seemed like the direction you should have taken?
I would think they would all be fighting for screen-time, or is that just
some actors?"

Not really, mainly because if my subconscious mind is sufficiently up in
arms about something as to throw a fictional character at me and yell at
me, it's usually a sign that I should Shut The Hell Up And Do As I'm Told.
 So when it happens, I *very* rarely ignore it.  


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