Why was CC looking for work in the first place? (was: Claudia Christian loses LadyLaw roll to Marcia Clark

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jan 15 06:15:48 EST 1997

Subject: Why was CC looking for work in the first place? (was: Claudia Christian loses LadyLaw roll to Marcia Clark
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 13, 1997: Chuck Fullerton <nougat at mindspring.com>
+  2: Jan 13, 1997: jdpaul at atomsun.harvard.edu (JD Paul)
*  3: Jan 14, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: Chuck Fullerton <nougat at mindspring.com>
Lines: 18

>>My condolences go out to Claudia Christian in losing the job as host
>of LadyLaw to Marcia Clark, the former O.J. Simpson prosecutor. 

 . .I'm sorry they made that unfortunate remark about cake, but why
would Claudia need other work in the first place? Isn't she happy
with B5? Or was she thinking of juggling two series as others such as
Robey (Friday the 13th) and David Hasselhoff have done? I hope this
isn't symptomatic of no-Season 5-itis. Can anyone clear this up? JMS?
You wouldn't let Claudia quit on us, would you?????? I really
like Ivanova and would be totally crushed to see CC go. 

      -Chuck Fullerton
  (proponent/moderator, alt.panic.claudia-christian.leaving) 


From: jdpaul at atomsun.harvard.edu (JD Paul)
Lines: 29

Chuck Fullerton (nougat at mindspring.com) wrote:
: >>My condolences go out to Claudia Christian in losing the job as host
: >of LadyLaw to Marcia Clark, the former O.J. Simpson prosecutor. 

:  . .I'm sorry they made that unfortunate remark about cake, but why
: would Claudia need other work in the first place? Isn't she happy
: with B5? Or was she thinking of juggling two series as others such as
: Robey (Friday the 13th) and David Hasselhoff have done? I hope this
: isn't symptomatic of no-Season 5-itis. Can anyone clear this up? JMS?
: You wouldn't let Claudia quit on us, would you?????? I really
: like Ivanova and would be totally crushed to see CC go. 

	According to the thing on Yahoo, the reason Marcia Clark is
doing it at all is that it's low-impact on schedule -- 1/2 hr a week
or something.  My guess is it was something that looked interesting
but wouldn't cut into B5 time much if at all.

	Don't forget, Stephen Furst was on what, three different shows
at once at one point?

| JD Paul                             |  Prentiss Research Group             |
| jdpaul at atomsun.harvard.edu          |  Harvard University Physics Dept.    |
| http://atomsun.harvard.edu/~jdpaul/ | "Oh no -- my sanity check bounced!"  |


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

Lots of our cast members have always done projects on the side; Stephen
did the Misery sitcom, Andreas has done some feature work, including
Executive Decision, Peter did a miniseries for cable...the Lady Law gig
would've required one day a week just introducing stuff a la Robert Stack
on Unsolved Mysteries.


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