Babylon 5 & Mormonism

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jan 21 06:10:23 EST 1997

Subject: Babylon 5 & Mormonism
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 20, 1997: The Hales <hale at>
*  2: Jan 20, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: The Hales <hale at>
Lines: 19

This is a repost of a earlier message that my ISP is not showing as
being posted, and also a correction, so excuse this if this is a repeat

Does anyone know if their is a connection between Mormonism and Babylon
5?  During recent attempts to find geneological information on the
Internet, I have sought out Mormon geneological sites.  One of these
sites went into the many unique names for both boys and girls found in
Utah.  Interestingly, I found both a Delenn and a Lorian among the names
listed (I mistakenly in my earlier post cited Lanier).

Two data points a statistical proof does not make, but the similarly
between the names, and the similarity of the Mimbari/Earth soul transfer
to the Mormon teaching (correct me here if I am wrong) that in the next
life our souls go as a type of god to another planet to populate it make
me wonder if there is some Mormon influence in the B5 mythos.

John Hale


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

"Two data points a statistical proof does not make, but the similarly
between the names, and the similarity of the Mimbari/Earth soul transfer
to the Mormon teaching (correct me here if I am wrong) that in the next
life our souls go as a type of god to another planet to populate it make
me wonder if there is some Mormon influence in the B5 mythos."

Not no way, not no how.


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