Ratings for syndicated action shows

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Fri Jan 24 06:12:06 EST 1997

Subject: Ratings for syndicated action shows
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 21, 1997: nfitz at sentex.ca (Nicholas Fitzpatrick)
-  2: Jan 21, 1997: dianekde at aol.com (Diane K De)
-  3: Jan 21, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
- 11: Jan 23, 1997: cmdrselek at juno.com (Jonathan M Donenberg)
- 12: Jan 23, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
* 13: Jan 23, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: nfitz at sentex.ca (Nicholas Fitzpatrick)
Lines: 47

Stolen from rec.arts.startrek.current!

"W. Bova" <krychek at io.com> wrote:

According to this ratings info, Deep Space Nine was first overall in the
syndicated action hours and in all demographics for the fall period.  So
for all those naysayers that trumpet the dropping ratings for Star

>From Broadcasting and Cable, January 6, 1997, Page 52

Top Action Hours
(ranked by household)

Show                    HH      A18-34  A18-49  A25-54

Star Trek: DS9          6.5       4.2    4.9     5.1
Hercules                6.2       3.8    4.0     4.1
Xena                    6.1       3.7    3.8     3.9
Baywatch                4.5       2.3    2.3     2.4
Outer Limits            3.9       2.3    2.6     2.7
Babylon 5               3.7       2.4    2.8     2.8
Highlander              3.1       2.0    2.2     2.3
Sinbad                  3.1       1.7    1.8     1.7
F/X: The Series         3.0       1.4    1.7     1.8
Baywatch Nights         2.8       1.5    1.5     1.6 

Source Nielsen Syndication Service, Sept 2-Dec 8, 1996  GAA where

HH - Household ratings
A18-34,A18-49,A25-54 - Adult demographics ratings for listed age groups.

Other shows mentioned in the article with A18-49 ratings were Viper
(1.6), Psi Factor (1.6), Poltergeist,Two and The Cape at 1.2 to 1.5, and
Tarzan at 1.0 for the A18-49 demographic.


Hmm, look at Babylon-5's numbers for the lucrative$$$ A18-34,A18-49,A25-54
ratings. It beats Baywatch!!!

Nicholas Fitzpatrick (nfitz at sentex.ca)


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 15

"Someone should tell me why someone like me can't like B5 AND DS9 without
having to defend one or the other; I like 'em both, don't shoot me!"

I couldn't agree more.  My quibble was with those who look facts they
don't like in the face and write them off as "naysayers."  Numbers is
numbers, but personal tastes are personal tastes, and as far as I'm
concerned, the more SF the merrier.


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