TNT, B5 Movies, and Reruns

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jan 27 06:06:50 EST 1997

Subject: TNT, B5 Movies, and Reruns
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 26, 1997: cmdrselek at (Jonathan M Donenberg)
+  2: Jan 27, 1997: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
*  3: Jan 27, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: cmdrselek at (Jonathan M Donenberg)
Lines: 13

Just so that I will understand once and for all, TNT is planning to air
the prelude TV movie, then the pilot, then the series reruns a few times
through, then the 2ed TV movie, then *theoretically* start Crusade after
that, right? OK, questions though; one- when will it start? I mean,
datewise, do you have any idea? two-will crusade, if it ever makes it
past its current stage, be aired on cable (TNT)? and finally, how long
would it take TNT to run its entire run (2 movies + reruns)? About a
year or two would be between the end of B5 and the beginning of
TBP:Crusade, correct? Am I completely lost here?



From: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
Lines: 29

In article <19970126.125328.9831.1.CmdrSelek at>,
Jonathan M Donenberg <cmdrselek at> wrote:
>Just so that I will understand once and for all, TNT is planning to air
>the prelude TV movie, then the pilot, then the series reruns a few times
>through, then the 2ed TV movie, then *theoretically* start Crusade after
>that, right? OK, questions though; one- when will it start? I mean,
>datewise, do you have any idea? two-will crusade, if it ever makes it
>past its current stage, be aired on cable (TNT)? and finally, how long
>would it take TNT to run its entire run (2 movies + reruns)? About a
>year or two would be between the end of B5 and the beginning of
>TBP:Crusade, correct? Am I completely lost here?

I believe the plan is for TNT to "strip" the show and show it five days a
week.  If you do the math, that means 22 weeks (for a full five-season run),
or somewhat less for a four-season run.  So it sounds like we're going to
see the prequel created before the first run, then the pilot, then the
series, then the sequel movie, then the whole shebang repeated ad infinitum. 
My guess is 22 weeks is enough time for Joe and company to get a two-hour
movie in the can.

My question is, what can we do to convince TNT to release the show in its
original aspect ratio?  :):):)

Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illuminati


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Your understanding is correct, and basically the show would start
rerunning on TNT about 6 months after the show is finished.


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