F1 Resolution - Too Easy? (Spoilers 406 -> )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Thu Jan 30 06:11:40 EST 1997

Subject: F1 Resolution - Too Easy? (Spoilers 406 -> )
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 26, 1997: atropos at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Neely Stewart)
+  2: Jan 26, 1997: kmoeller at ix.netcom.com (Korey Moeller)
*  3: Jan 29, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: atropos at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Neely Stewart)
Lines: 43




Thanks to the super-wonderful Spoiler Junkies page
the apparent resolution of the problems imposed by the
ultra-powerful First Ones is revealed. Granted that
the synopses never hold up to the actual episodes themselves
but still, I had hoped that such an epic battle would 
require more time and effort.  I guess what really bugs me
is that the "Earth problem" is given more focus and struggle
than the galactic-scale war.  

Even so, I'll wait to let the episodes complete my opinion.


(Of course, If I want galactic-scale conflict-- STAR WARS is 
out in theatres this week!!!!!!  You can't beat that!)


From: kmoeller at ix.netcom.com (Korey Moeller)
Lines: 56

In <5cfrvh$7ur at geraldo.cc.utexas.edu> atropos at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Neely
Stewart) writes: 
>Thanks to the super-wonderful Spoiler Junkies page
>the apparent resolution of the problems imposed by the
>ultra-powerful First Ones is revealed. Granted that
>the synopses never hold up to the actual episodes themselves
>but still, I had hoped that such an epic battle would 
>require more time and effort.  I guess what really bugs me
>is that the "Earth problem" is given more focus and struggle
>than the galactic-scale war.  
>Even so, I'll wait to let the episodes complete my opinion.

I don't think this should be a really big surprise. The show has always
been more focused on characters and story than on big battles(how many
times can you show things exploding and still keep it interesting and
fresh). You can only show so many things blowing up. The real challenge
is how people react and what they do to resolve difficulties especially
when force is or should be a last resort.

These comments will of course spark the ongoing debate of action versus



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 23

>Thanks to the super-wonderful Spoiler Junkies page
>the apparent resolution of the problems imposed by the
>ultra-powerful First Ones is revealed. 

Except, of course, that ain't what happens in the episode.

That's what you get for reading spoilers instead of watching the episode,
especially summaries which a) sometimes don't present the whole picture,
and b) which I've lately been able to get my hands on and, even though the
main story has to go out, I'm able to...edit out...little but important

Finally, FINALLY, I have my vengeance over the spoiler junkies....ha HA
ha-ha-HA ha HAAAA....

I need a vacation....


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