JMS on AOL, June 2 1997

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 8 11:46:01 EDT 1997

Transcript of America Online chat with JMS and John Copeland, 2 June 1997.
Download America Online at, and visit the official B5 area
at keyword "Babylon 5".

B5 Online:      Folks, we are awaiting our final guest for this
evening, so I would like to welcome all of you to our online chat with
J. Michael Straczynski, Creator and Executive Producer of Babylon 5,
and coming soon, John Copeland, producer of Babylon 5! :D Also joining
us through equipment donated to us by Zathras (as opposed to ZAthras)
is B5CnC. Through B5 CnC, we are able to communicate directly with ANY
CHARACTER on the show.  For instance, you can ask G'Kar whatever you
want... Londo whatever you want... and through the power of The Great
Machine, they will answer.

Jms at B5:      and the Great Maker

B5 Online:      Want to ask Garibaldi what's up?  Londo what's next -
G'Kar how's the eye?  Now is your chance!

OnlineHost:     The auditorium consists of two major areas: the
audience, where you are right now, and the stage, where the speakers
appear. Text which you type onscreen shows only to those in your row,
prefaced by the row number in parentheses, such as (2) if you are in
row 2. To interact with the speaker, use the Interact icon on your

Jms at B5:      They're all waiting out there for your questions... And
they will be answered in the character's own "voice" and mannerisms and

B5 Online:      So don't make Garibaldi mad.. please.

B5CnC:  Ask away!!!

B5 Online:      Our first question is for our own JMS...  From

Question:       Did you plan the Sheridan and Delenn relationship or
did it just come to mind while writing the episodes??

Jms at B5:      If you're not the One, why should I answer?  Besides,
the One always denies he's the One.. No, that relationship was always
going to be there for Delenn.  GA

B5 Online:      I notice a trend already Joe... care to make a comment
on Season 5 to bypass all of that tonight?

Jms at B5:      Okay: 1) no word yet on S5, and 2) videotapes are
possible down the road, but not now.

B5 Online:      Thanks Joe. :D

B5 Online:      Heres a question we've never had before.. from

Question:       I've noticed a lot more freedom in camera movement in
scenes which combine CGI and live action.  Do you have some new
hardware or do you match the CGI by hand.

Jms at B5:      Yeah, we've taken to putting targets on the bluescreen,
which allows us to "staple" the CGI to the set, and we can thus move
around a lot more.  John can probably address this better than I can
since he just got here.

PigDog13:       We've also gotten a lot better at matching movement
with live action and CGI. nSince we've started doing the FX in house
we're trying stuff we were discouraged to do in the past.

Jms at B5:      "We can't do it," we were told.  Well, actually, we
can.  So now we do.

PigDog13:       Sorry for being tardy, but my ISDN line was acting up.

Jms at B5:      (John gets a working ISDN line, I have win 3.1 and only
get carrier pigeons.)

B5 Online:      Our next question for JMS comes from Earl Prae...

PigDog13:       I just threw my ISDN modem across the room, I'm on

Question:       JMS, is there any chance Valen will return?

Jms at B5:      Return to the present?  No.  None. Valen lived out his
life in the past.

B5 Online:      If you have a question for the B5 CHARACTERS, send in
your questions now! :)

B5 Online:      This question is for JMS from MediaRiot...

Question:       JMS , in this weeks Newsweek, you take a swipe at Aaron
Spelling and TV in general. Do you feel that most TV is a product of
getting ad revenues up, that is, it's just made for marketing products
to demo groups?

Jms at B5:      Unquestionably.  That's the bottom line for TV stations
and advertisers...even Majel once.  said to me, and openly to others,
that they just sold ST as a way to sell soap during commercials, not
that that's a bad thing per se, that's just how they think.

B5 Online:      Our next question is for G'Kar... from Tannis4U...

Question:       G"Kar did you decide to issue the joint statment with
londo for the good of Sheradins alliance or did Londo's speach actually
move you to act?

B5CnC:  G'KAR: There comes a time when one must set aside old grudges.
It is not a pleasant prospect, given Mollari, who I still consider
something of a war criminal. but he is trying for repentence, and from
the perspective of the Universe, I suppose this is a good thing.

Jms at B5:      I agree with G'Kar.

B5 Online:      A personal question for Lt. Corwin from Karen Eve....

Question:       For Lt. Corwin:  If you could send any one personal
message home, what would it be?

PigDog13:       Hmmmm.  Corwin's got fans out there?

B5CnC:  CORWIN: Dear Mom, Dad and Uncle Sherman: Don't believe
everything you hear about Babylon 5 (well, except the parts about
Ivanova)  We're working hard to do the right thing, and sometimes
that's hard to figure out, but we believe in the direction the
captain's taking us, and we're sticking with it.  (Remind me when this
is over to tell you about my date last year, it was...something I'll
never forget.)

PigDog13:       Boy that Corwin is an eloquent fellow.

Jms at B5:      John: yeah, who writes his stuff?

B5 Online:      For JMS from Averij...

Question:       Question for JMS: I've been impressed with the richness
and depth of all the characters...except Dr. Franklin, who still seems
relatively one-dimensional to me.  Do you find that character harder to
write, or is it just harder to fit him into everything?

Jms at B5:      It's always a task to get a doctor into the action, and
it's easier for other kinds of more action-oriented characters.  But
that aside, he's a lot of fun to write.  GA

PigDog13:       I didn't know the characters were going to be this
chatty tonight, did you?

Jms at B5:      They're always chatty, you just have to know how to

B5 Online:      Question for Vir from TWandCrew... although this may be
too personal...

Question:       Vir....are you going to marry Lydesty??

B5CnC:  VIR: Oh, my... Oh, this is embarrassing, I didn't expect's so personal how did you find out?... Well, I...I
think...perhaps yes, I mean...I know she has some...well, some
problems, you see, and we have to work on those, but you know, she's a
great kisser, and I can work around a lot that comes between us...not
that anything would, I mean, let's not get graphic here...are we still

B5 Online:      John, maybe you can answer this... from Johnldloa...

Question:       Howard Stern is a big fan of the show.  Any chance of
having on or a cast member being on his radio show.  This is not a
Stern joke question.  He always talks about how he loves the show.

PigDog13:       We've actually talked with his show about having
Claudia on, but he's never set anything definite with us.  We'd love to
have someone on with Howard.

B5 Online:      For Marcus.. from Lightman2....

Question:       To Marcus- Why on Earth are you dancing around Ivanova?
Go for it, man!

B5CnC:  Dancing?  Go for it?  What are you TALKING about?  I have no
idea what's going on anymore (entering private mode)  Are you crazy?
She's standing right behind me, you're giving away the game.  don't ask
about this in front of her, or I"ll have to give you a good
thump...well, her first then you.)

B5 Online:      Londo... from MJButkus...

Question:       Londo, are you staying in contact with Centauri
Prime,as of now (s4) or rather staying....away?

B5CnC:  Well, you see, this is not an easy question, my friend.  The
Regent seems to have things very well under control, you see, and
I...well, I serve a greater purpose here, on Babylon 5, than I could
serve back home just now.  So I am content to stay here.  It is frankly
quieter.  And several more of the lower court have reported to me tha
the regent is acting most strangely lately, perhaps he has begun
drinking, I hear of him wandering the palace late at night, telling
people, "There is something important I must tell you..." then suddenly
he stops, and walks off.  Very strange.  But he has always been a
bit..odd, don't you think?  Go ahead...or as the humans say, GA

B5 Online:      For John and Joe...

Question:       for joe or john -- there have been a lot of rumours
going around regarding the new 2 hour TNT films including which actors
will be involved, which characters, etc. Anything you can divulge
without giving anything away? And will Michael O'Hare be apart it?

Jms at B5:      The budget doesn't have enough in it to fly Michael out
from the Coast and pay him the salary he deserves.  And in the story he
was really a basic-level squadron pilot, and the story deals with the
larger parties.  John?

PigDog13:       The first film - I think is one of the best things that
Joe has written and I think that you viewers will be surprised at how
all of these characters from B5 fit into how the saga begins. The
second film is a different type of story than you usually see on B5 and
we think tha it will be a pleasant diversion for you viewers.

Jms at B5:      The films also have Shari Belafonte, William Sanderson,
Theodore Bickel, others.

Jms at B5:      (How informative, John.)

PigDog13:       Rheiner Schone will be back.

B5 Online:      Theodore Bikel played Rabbi Koslov I believe, correct?

Jms at B5:      Why not tell them that everyone dies, I mean really, we
can talk about that.

Jms at B5:      Different part now.

Jms at B5:      GA and save us from ourselves.

PigDog13:       You mean the big funeral scene. I thought you wanted
that to be a surprise.

B5 Online:      For Lennier... from Philberto.

Question:       to Lannier-  Are you ever going to tell Delenn how you

B5CnC:  Because Delenn has stepped out for a moment, I will answer your
question. though it does seem to me rather feelings for
Delenn are only of the highest and noblest form.  It would be unseemly
of me to confess any such feelings, or any variations on those
feelings, to Delenn.  So no, that would not be appropriate.

B5 Online:      Lennier, if you can find Delenn.. I have a question for

Question:       Delenn: what are your plans now that Minbar is settling
down & the Gray Council is set?

B5CnC:  I am here. I have a greater obligation now that must be pursued
with the League Worlds and Earth...I could not pursue those goals for
as long as my home was in turmoil, but now my people are on the path
again, and I can devote my time to forging a new alliance, a new
future, for all of our worlds.  (Can someone tell me why Marcus and
Lennier are looking so embarrassed?  I just got here, and assume I
missed much.)

B5 Online:      A question for Joe and John from Managarm...

Question:       We haven't heard anything about the telepaths Franklin
helped hide from Psi-Corps. Is that going to change any time soon?

B5 Online:      (BTW.. thank you Delenn)

B5CnC:  Bester here, breaking into the com line: I would like an answer
to that as well.

PigDog13:       You'll see something about the frozen teeps in the next
couple of weeks

B5 Online:      Whoa whoa whoa! Whats going on here?

B5 Online:      Bester?

B5 Online:      Um.. ok...

Jms at B5:      Captain: don't tell him, he'll find out soon enough.

B5 Online:      GA Bester.. what's on your mind?

Jms at B5:      For the rest of us, yeah, you'll find out stuff very

B5 Online:      (no pun intended)

Jms at B5:      Oh, for crying out loud, don't bring him into this, it
was going so well.

Jms at B5:      Next question?  (Ignore him and he'll go away.)

B5 Online:      Ok.. quickly.. Londo from GotMilk96...

Question:       Londo...  Do you like the idea that you are turning
into a nice guy?

B5CnC:  My good fellow, I have *always* been a nice guy, whatever has
G'Kar been telling you, hmmm?

B5 Online:      Here is a ratings question from Ranger1a for Joe and

Question:       How are the recent ratings for B5?  Do we have to worry
about B5 being cancelled?

PigDog13:       Our ratings have been up all across the board this
season.  But the future is never assured.

Jms at B5:      The ratings are good; solid.  The renewal depends on
available station berths, primarily.

B5 Online:      Paging Zack...  From LdyRangrB....

Question:       Zak??  are you going to persue a relationship with
Lyta?? you make a good couple..or are you just going to stick to

B5CnC:  Yeah, ain't like I haven't thought about it,
y'know...but she's a teep, how do you...
 make a move on someone who knows what you're going to do before you do
 it?  Y'know the old "arm around the shoulders at the scary part of the
movie" bit?  C'mon, the ladies hardly fall for that NOW... with a teep,
she'd break my arm.  And I'd miss, which would be really embarrassing.
Not that... I'd mind trying, of's a challenge.  I like
challenges.  Especially red-haired ones.

B5 Online:      Here is a GREAT question from Guru4Win9...

Question:       Delenn said that the center of the new grey council was
for the 'one to come'. That was what zathros called sheridan. Are they
both references to the same person ?

B5CnC:  DELENN: How do you know what happened in the Grey Council?
Well, that aside...and I must look... further into our security...the
place set aside might be for someone like John, yes.  But.. only time
will determine that.  The universe knows what it is doing.

B5 Online:      Heres an industry question for you guys from GSSFC...

Question:       JMS... From a drooling fan, of course... From your own
feedback in the 'biz', what do you see as being the future in terms of
other  shows? Do you think there will be attempts to do a B5-type arc
story from non-affiliated sources?

Jms at B5:      I think that others are watching us, and we know that
there are other arc-shows... that are in the works, or have started to
change toward arcs; it's been a gentle... revolution, and over time I
think more will go this way.

PigDog13:       It will be interesting to see what happens.  In the
wake of "Dark Skies" not working, others may be cautious in the near

B5 Online:      We have another question for Vir from Hardestad...

Question:       Vir what were you writing when woke up from your

B5CnC:  I was writing out the Ambassador's shopping list for the day,
it's nothing terribly interesting... fresh spoo, hot jala (5 bottles),
ladies undergarmen...I mean, clothing...

B5 Online:      hmmm

B5CnC:  and some small amount of alcoholic beverages, nothing much to
speak of.

B5 Online:      Ok, it's time for a moment of truth here.  Mr.
Garibaldi... a question from BJSDebora.

Question:       Garibaldi--have you wondered at all about the changes
in your own thinking and attitudes?  Are you aware that you are feeling
and doing things not like you?

B5CnC:  Look, we all go through changes.  It happens.  It's part of
life.  Yeah, I think I've changed... haven't you?  To continue a
relationship like we have here you have to trust that the other guy's
doing the right thing.  I ain't convinced.  I see things a little
clearer now, that's all... I'm on my own, but y'know, I always have
been.  It's nothing new.

B5 Online:      Folks, I'm going to try and keep the comm systems open
until the top of the hour.   I'll keep the channel open as long as I
can. :)

B5 Online:      From WandaJH.. for JMS and John.

Question:       Joe: You've indicated that you will take ideas which
resonate with a particular actor and weave them into the storyline.
Was the civil war on Minbar always in the story or is it a detail that
you added after you learned of Mira's personal ordeal?

Jms at B5:      This is a case where I knew there would have to be
conflict and division on Minbar...
 but the specific shapes of that conflict, the specific icivil war
 elements, I chose in order to tie into her own background, knowing I'd
get truth behind her eyes during those scenes.  It's manipulative, but
it's in a worthy cause.

B5 Online:      From Sudibelle, for my favorite telepath... Lyta.

Question:       Lyta, did you really explore all the options before
going along with Bester?  Didn't the station give you any kind of

B5CnC:  I don't know...maybe I should have looked into it more, but I
was *tired*.... and even though I know the folks who run this place
like me, there's just so much they can do.... even if they did let me
stay in the larger quarters (and that wasn't really the issue)... I had
to start working again, had to be a commercial teep again, and what
that requires is not theirs to give.  I had to think in the long term.
No, it wasn't something I wanted to do but I just didn't see any other
way around it.  I'm just being sure to stay healthy.

B5 Online:      Well folks, it seems the comm system is starting to
experience some problems, and the crew needs to get ready for another
Voice of the Resistance broadcast. I want to thank Joe, John and the B5
crew for participating through us with the help of Draal and The Great
Machine!  Thanks guys!

B5CnC:  BESTER: Nobody ever has questions for me.

PigDog13:       Thanks, it was a pleasure being here.

B5CnC:  Sheridan to AOL: Thanks for having us.

B5 Online:      Be sure to check out our new downloadable calendars at
keyword: B5 and also visit the official websites at and
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