Exercize of Vital Powers ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Jun 9 06:08:46 EDT 1997

From: George Harrington <gharring at com1.med.usf.edu>
Date: 6 Jun 1997 11:07:38 -0400
Lines: 48

Spoilers Ho

You are a very bad man. 

You set us up to cheer for Sheridan and Boo for Garibaldi then in one
episode you turn it all around. You give us the Edgars/Garibaldi side of
the argument which you make very reasonable and you seem to show how
hard and unyealding Sheridan has become (what I wouldnt have done to
been a fly on the wall for the conversation between Franklin and

You have shown however, how complex situations like this are and how
depending on your POV one or the ohter side may be very reasonable. NO
black and white just shades of grey.

Keep up the good work.

**********  <mailto:gharring at com1.med.usf.edu>  *************
George Harrington		Computer Support Analyst
University of South Florida 	
Health Sciences Center		Phone: (813) 974-7555
Information Services		Fax: (813) 974-5198
"Yes, yes, Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other
 people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death,
 but at least there is symmetry. Go, go, Zathras take care." 
	Zathras, Babylon 5 "War Without End, Part I"

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Jun 1997 01:51:03 -0400
Lines: 21

"You set us up to cheer for Sheridan and Boo for Garibaldi then in one
episode you turn it all around. You give us the Edgars/Garibaldi side of
the argument which you make very reasonable and you seem to show how hard
and unyealding Sheridan has become (what I wouldnt have done to been a fly
on the wall for the conversation between Franklin and Sheridan)."

That, for me, is really the point of the exercise...it's very easy to make
a straw man as your antagonist.  More interesting is to give the person
good reasons, or what he considers good reasons, for what he's doing.  To
present a reasonable case before the viewrs.  "Well, yeah, y'know, he has
a point."  Makes it far more interesting and realistic.  

It's all greys.


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