attn jms: upcoming B5 books

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jun 10 06:03:11 EDT 1997

From: "wizheart" <wizheart at>
Date: 8 Jun 1997 13:04:12 -0400
Lines: 50


While perusing the Lurker website I ran across an message (5 Mar
97, Re: JMS: Kathryn's novel) from you regarding the upcoming book
dealing with    :::speaking in a whipser so no one gets upset;
people here get *really* upset when he is *too* fondly
remembered:::    Jeffery Sinclair.

Your message mentioned this book was to be considered totally
canon.  Bravo!  May I please say, as one who does fondly remember
the character, thank you very much for having the idea and the
desire to tell this story, and also to Kathryn.

Although I was finally able to force myself to finish The Shadow
Within (sorry, I'm just not a fan of Sheridan's - and it's not
because he replaced Sinclair;  I did enjoy the last few chapters
so maybe it was my state of mind when reading the beginning, who
knows), and haven't read #* yet, I look forward to Kathryn's book
most anxiously.

BTW I also accessed all those messages you wrote concerning the
departure of Michael O'Hare; thanks for clearing that up.  I could
never get an answer from anyone about it on usenet - - was just
to drop it.  Hey, it's not my fault I wasn't on-line in 1994! 
Your messages make you opinion of Michael O'Hare very clear.  I
had no idea he was as thoroughly trained and experienced an actor
as he is.  I only wish I had access to more of his work.

Thanks for *all* you and the crew do to bring us the B5 universe. 
There are two shows I make it a point never to miss; one is B5,
the other is Highlander; I leave the rest to other viewers.  Now
it seems they are both ending soon.  Thank the Great Maker for

Whether there is a Season 5 or not, it's been a great ride!


"...I plan to live forever."   --Cdr. William T. Riker
"There can be only one."  --Connor MacLeod
"Not the one."  --Zathras

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Jun 1997 05:37:50 -0400
Lines: 10

Thanks...apparently, #9 has just hit the stands, so it's available.  As it
happens, by the way, there's a tie in between this and the comic when it
comes out again, but it's very subtle.


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