Interesting B5 news

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jun 12 01:58:28 EDT 1997

This is a message from the maintainer of B5JMS.

Normally I would not post such a message to B5JMS, but this is something
that relates to THE most asked question we've seen on the nets in many
months: "What about season 5???"

The following message from a TNT Programming person is a form-reply that
came through the J&D forum and was kindly forwarded to me.  The most
important piece of information there is that TNT claims that there is a
50/50 chance that *TNT* will fund a fifth season of Babylon 5!

Note that this information is second hand, and has not been verified by any
other source.  So take it cautiously.  I do not know how real or not this
is.  If anyone hears more concrete information regarding this rumor (or a
refutation thereof), please let me know and I'll make sure everyone does
too.  Hopefully JMS will comment on this rumor soon.

> Thanks for your support of TNT and Babylon 5--we're really looking 
> forward to airing it.  The head programmers here, in particular, are 
> huge fans of the show, having complained themselves for a couple of 
> years about its invariably late-nite programming here in Atlanta, so 
> they are just as glad about the acquisition as any die-hard fans out 
> there (and there are a lot of them--I'm being deluged by B5 fans with 
> many sweet "congratulations" and "thanks yous").  Look for the show to
> start airing sometime in January 1998, at 7 pm ET weekdays, and in 
> complete sequential order, uncut, but not letterboxed (sorry, but 
> letterboxing is just too irritating for the average non-fan viewer).  
> By the way: no sign of "Crusades" on TNT, but there is a 50/50 chance 
> that we, instead of Warner Brothers, will be bankrolling a fifth season 
> of B5 (AND you guys will have the two new B5 movies, "In The 
> Beginning..." and "Third Space," to look forward to -- tentative premiere 
> date for the first film is January 4th, 1998).   Also, since I'm getting 
> messages from around the world, I wanted to let everyone know that
> B5 is exclusive to TNT Domestic (US) right now; there are no plans to make 
> it available for Canada, TNT Europe, TNT Asia, or TNT Latin America (you 
> guys might have to get a satellite dish or something, although I can't be 
> sure you could get our signal with even that--it's a question for a 
> satellite dish dealer, really).  Anyway, thanks again for writing and 
> showing your love for this series, and your support of TNT -- we really 
> do appreciate each one of ya, as I'm sure JMS does!  Take care!  
> Dean Treadway @ TNT Programming 

B5JMS Poster.
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