ATTN: JMS - proof for one of your contested story points (spoiler for Faces of the Enemy)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jun 17 06:07:46 EDT 1997

Missing expired article: Message-ID <866482619 at>

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jun 1997 22:43:48 -0400
Lines: 53


"JMS's character was talking about a "gene mutating into a virus"
(if I remember the phrase correctly)."

You don't, Wayne.  It was specifically stated as a virus *targeted at* the
gene that controls or activates telepathy, the same way that some viruses
target some groups of people (african americans, with sickel cell, for
instance) more than others.  You can't go around misremembering or
misquoting what I said, and then gig me for "getting it wrong."

"JMS's character's account is still one of the purest forms of Hollyweird
Gibberish extant, and would make an excellent entry in the Dictionary of
American Regional English."

I could say something about stones and glass houses, but I won't.

The scenario as presented is feasible.  Deal with it.


[ Moderator's note: They're both right.  Only they're talking about
    two different scenes.  Lise did indeed talk about a gene mutating
    into a virus, this was in Lines of Communication.  Edgars talked
    about a virus targeting a specific gene.  Which is indeed
    possible AFAIK.

    So, Joe didn't get it wrong, Lise did.  Just because one of his
    characters doesn't know what they're talking about doesn't mean
    the writer doesn't. - JAD                                        ]
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