ATTN: JMS &.. George ..letter from Sweden

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Mar 5 06:09:45 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN: JMS &.. George ..letter from Sweden
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Mar  2, 1997: krml01 at
*  2: Mar  3, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: krml01 at
Lines: 87


I don=B4t know if anyone from Sweden has ever posted something here, 
but here comes one (at least :) ). For those who are wondering about 
B5=B4s status here. B5 is shown every Saturday at 4,20pm on "Kanal 5", 
they are currently in Season 2 (Next Sat: And now for a word), for 
the second time. First they aired the pilot, season 1 and season 2. 
After season 2, they begun rerunning from episode 1. Season 3=B4s fate 
is somewhat unsure, (not to offend anyone in this age or so) since 
there are only people in the 50=B4s 60=B4s that decides IF B5 will be 
shown. The ratings has grown from 75 000 to 110 000, little you might 
say in US? But here it is a lot for a Sci-Fi series. We are only 9 
million here. 

Science Fiction series has never been considered as something worth 
watching, which is a strange thing since we are considered very broad 
minded. Anyway, we have the "Star Trek"  series with all its beaming, 
increadably smart Vulcans and other wonders of the 24:th century. 
Don=B4t get me wrong I like "Star Trek" but not as much as "Babylon 
5." To make a long story short, the barrier between Sci-fi series and 
"regular" series has been very hard to break,. but now the barrier 
seems to have been broken somewhat, thanks to JMS. Your show is 
intelligent, mind practising, exciting, changable...just like an 
avrage life (well I don=B4t have a White Star or a Shadow in the 
kitchen :) but what the heck). THANK YOU JMS!!!

With the threat of "Babylon 5" being cancelled, well just say a lot 
of voices has started to cry out (which has only happend a few times 
before when it comes to TV, not as much as with the X-files but 
still....) in order to help I have started to attract more veiwers to 
the show among my friends. Since I am luck enough to get episodes 
from US, I have season 3 and 1-4 of season 4 (the next I=B4ll get this 
week). So I let them watch season 3...and then said "want to see the 
beginnig?, watch TV then..." (a little cruel but what else can one 
do) I have managed to get 23 of my friends to becom B5 fans, even the 
Sci-fi haters

Also I talked to a friend of mine that is editor in 
chief for one of Swedens largest gaming magazines, back in December 
he said that he might was to write an article about B5, well 2 weeks 
ago I got a email from him in which he told me that I was to write 
the article and it would be published later on this year, not too bad 
for a high school student (Yes, I am 19). There has never been a 
article in B5 here in Sweden, so this has made me more nervous than 
ever.  Which leads me up to my question for both JMS and George:

Since this is the first "real" article here in Sweden about  "Babylon 
5" , I was wondering if I could do an interveiw with both of you or 
either one of you? I=B4d like it to be as accurate as possible. 

Well now to the rest of my questions to JMS:

* How can a club get you to appear on a convent?

* How can I that live here in Sweden get a hold of your "Complete 
Scriptwriting..:", since I can=B4t order by Mail order?

* I know that you don=B4t answer "will he/her" questions, since then it 
would not be necessary to tell the story on Tv. (And I know that "the 
return" question has been asked many times) but will we ever learn of 
the FATE of Ms. Winters?

Well once again JMS for breaking the Swedish barrier, that I have 
namned,  "All that watch Sci-fi are nerds with nothing else to do, 
and how can they watch such a redicilous series. They need to get a 
grip of reality and stop watch such things" (which has been said to 
me a various of times...). You really must be the great maker, since 
your power reaches all the way to Sweden.

And you can tell WB than when they have some kid all the way up in 
the snowy north of Sweden they better renew the series....:) 

Thanks for your time.....

Krister Michl
krml01 at

"I am grey, I stand between the pepsi and the coke. We are grey, we stand =
between the darkness and the electric bill...."


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

* How can I that live here in Sweden get a hold of your "Complete
Scriptwriting..:", since I can't order by Mail order?

Other than online, via, you're stuck, I'm afraid.

* How can a club get you to appear on a convent?

Well, first you'll have to smuggle me past Sister Mary Theresa Thomas, and
into the nun's quarters...then just leave the rest to me.


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