Worries about TNT showing B5?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Mar 8 06:11:45 EST 1997

Subject: Worries about TNT showing B5?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Mar  6, 1997: zurkog at polaris.net (Grant C. Zurko)
+  2: Mar  7, 1997: koala at tamu.edu (Steph)
*  3: Mar  7, 1997: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: zurkog at polaris.net (Grant C. Zurko)
Lines: 34

I'm not sure if anyone else feels the way I do, but frankly, I'm
kinda worried about what TNT might do to the B5 reruns.

Don't get me wrong- I'm *estatic* that B5 has been picked up
for reruns- be they 88 or 110 episodes.

However, TNT frequently butchers daily programs to make
room for the almighty advertisement.  Will they leave the
original commercial breaks as-is, or will they splice/re-cut
them to make room for possibly more commercials?

And will we have to endure the TNT "logo ghost" in the
lower right-hand corner of the screen?

How `bout the closing credits?  Will they get chopped or
(more likely) get overdubbed with an announcer?

What is the current possibility that B5 will get shown in its
original letterbox format?  I'd *much* rather see it this way,
but then again, I'm one of those weirdos with a laserdisk
player!   ;)

I'm starting to wish I had taped those first-season episodes
on SP instead of SLP!

Is there anyone else that feels this way, and can we do
anything about it?

Grant Zurko


From: koala at tamu.edu (Steph)
Lines: 61

zurkog at polaris.net (Grant C. Zurko) wrote:
>I'm not sure if anyone else feels the way I do, but frankly, I'm
>kinda worried about what TNT might do to the B5 reruns.

>Don't get me wrong- I'm *estatic* that B5 has been picked up
>for reruns- be they 88 or 110 episodes.

*applause*  Me too.. 

>However, TNT frequently butchers daily programs to make
>room for the almighty advertisement.  Will they leave the
>original commercial breaks as-is, or will they splice/re-cut
>them to make room for possibly more commercials?

I don't watch any of the series they air, but I'll vouch for their
splicing-and-dicing routine on movies.

>And will we have to endure the TNT "logo ghost" in the
>lower right-hand corner of the screen?

I could live with that. Except in the big action scenes ("Severed
Dreams" comes to mind) there just isn't much going on there. I *would*
be upset if it obliterated the ISN logo when that's supposed to be
shown.. do they go in the same place? I can't remember.

>How `bout the closing credits?  Will they get chopped or
>(more likely) get overdubbed with an announcer?

Well, if you consider that these are going to run over, and over, and
over, and over... eventually there's bound to be at least *one*
showing that doesn't have some annoying voice-over. Wouldn't you

>What is the current possibility that B5 will get shown in its
>original letterbox format?  I'd *much* rather see it this way,
>but then again, I'm one of those weirdos with a laserdisk
>player!   ;)

Ooooooohhh.. <drool, drool>

<Steph carefully wipes off her keyboard>

>I'm starting to wish I had taped those first-season episodes
>on SP instead of SLP!

Hell, you should see my copies. Third-generation dubs. <gag> And I've
only seen 5 or 6 eps from the second season, and I don't have any
except TCoS on tape.

>Is there anyone else that feels this way, and can we do
>anything about it?

Hmm.. anybody have an address at TNT?


In JMS we trust!


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 25

It's my understanding that TNT will not cut anything from the shows...in
fact, due to PTEN dropping the Kung Fu 30 second promo (temporarily filled
by a 30 second B5 promo at 40 minutes into the program), we were told this
week that we now have an additional 30 seconds that we can add to the
show's length.  When we heard this, we asked if we were to put this in
only to have it cut by TNT later, but were told that it would be left
intact.  (They can't put in any more commercials because it's currently at
the maximum allowable limit under FCC rules.)

I imagine the logo will appear, as it standard with all such shows.

I have to say that TNT has proven to be *very* excited about picking up
B5, and they want to do a great deal of promotion for it, and plan to make
it a real centerpiece.  If fans of the show want to write to them to
continue to encourage this, and to thank them for wanting to treat the
show right (thus encouraging more of this in future), and suggest their
support and creative freedom for the upcoming sequel now in negotiations,
I certainly think nobody would object....


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