ATTN JMS: Model Stuation

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Mar 15 10:12:33 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Model Stuation
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Mar 12, 1997: Brad <epsilon3 at>
*  2: Mar 15, 1997: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>


From: Brad <epsilon3 at>
Lines: 9


Is it true that the only model were going to get this year is the
StarFury?  I've heard from allot of people that they would like stuff
like capital ships (Minbari Cruiser,  Earth Force Destroyers, Narn
cruisers, Centauri ships, even Babylon 4, etc).  Now is there going to
be a model of B5 anytime soon?


From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Lines: 23


The first model out will be the Starfury.  The model business is still a
very tedious process, as any manufacturer will tell you.  We sent out
blueprints and three views of the Starfury months ago, and they have
just asked for more this week.  They have a sculptor building a master,
and then they will cut steel tooling, whick will be test shot, test
built, and refined before we see it on the shelf.  All in all a tediuos
and frustrating process.  

Fortunately, the process on different models can work simultaneously, if
they are not using the same sculptor.  The release schedule will be
adjusted as the project proceeds.

It is interesting that the merchandising for B5 is starting to get
REALLY hot.  Warners Special Products is really B5 happy right now. 
Hope this bodes well for future products!

George Johnsen
CoProducer, Babylon 5

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