TNT in Dolby Surround?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Mar 15 10:32:36 EST 1997

Subject: TNT in Dolby Surround?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Mar 10, 1997: gbryant at (Greg Bryant)
+  2: Mar 10, 1997: judge at (Dirk A. Loedding)
*  3: Mar 15, 1997: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>


From: gbryant at (Greg Bryant)
Lines: 13

At least on my local cable system, TNT broadcasts in mono.  Will we
lose all the Dolby Surround that goes into each episode of B5?  Or
will TNT start broadcasting in Dolby Surround?  The same question
applies to the two new movies as well as B5:Crusaders.

                               <*>Greg Bryant<*>                              
                            <*>gbryant at<*>                            
                             Kent State University                            
                              College of Education                            
                      Zathras say : Always use right tool!                    


From: judge at (Dirk A. Loedding)
Lines: 32

In article <5fvaih$i87 at>,
gbryant at (Greg Bryant) wrote:

>At least on my local cable system, TNT broadcasts in mono.  

Not my cable system.  In fact, TNT has better surround sound than any 
other station on the dial.  When I channel surf, I always know when I've 
hit TNT, because I'm hit in the back of the head with a lot more sound 
than on any other station.

>Will we lose all the Dolby Surround that goes into each episode of B5?  

If your cable system doesn't carry TNT with stereo surround sound, now 
>might be a good time to start pestering them about it.

>Or will TNT start broadcasting in Dolby Surround?  The same question 
>applies to the two new movies as well as B5:Crusaders.

See above.  TNT is indeed broadcasting in stereo.  Your cable system is 
apparently still in the stone ages of cable equipment.  Start pestering 
them to do something with the huge amounts of money they're sucking in 
from all their subscribers.

Or, drop them, and sign up for one of the dish networks.  You'll be sure 
to get TNT in full stereo surround mode then...assuming you have the 
home theater setup to take advantage of it.

|   Dirk A. Loedding               <*>               judge at   |


From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Lines: 6

Confirmation:  TNT is indeed broadcasting in full Dolby Surround Stereo.

George J
CoProd, B5

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