ATTN JMS: The Shadow Within

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Mar 26 06:09:37 EST 1997

From: serdart <serdart at>
Date: 25 Mar 1997 11:18:23 -0500
Lines: 42

Dear Joe,

Just finished the new book 'The Shadow within' and I have to say that 
I think it eclipses anything in the books so far. It's so close to 
what may be gleaned of what actually happened to the Icarus - and the 
additional bits about Morden and his background are fascinating.

Kepping this one close to the arc made it, IMHO, definitely the 
best one so far.

A big well done to Jeanne Cavelos and many thanx to you for helping 
to keep it close to the arc.

PS - any news on a definite date from Channel 4 for screening Series 
4 in the UK?

Thanx Joe!!


Serdar M. Tokatligil            UUNET International
International Sales Exec.       Internet House
                                332 Science Park
                                Cambridge  CB4 4BZ 
                                Tel: +44 (0)1223 250311
                                Fax: +44 (0)1223 250373
                                email: serdart at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Mar 1997 21:08:10 -0500
Lines: 19

Thanks...yeah, everything I've heard back so far from fans has backed up
what I said here a while ago...that this one was the best B5 book to date.

Re: C4's debut...I have no direct information from WB on this. 
(Interestingly, many at WB don't know either.)  Ironicallly, I only know
what's on the nets, and some British fans said that the C4 duty officer
gave April 14th as a possible debut, but that's the extent of what I know
(or don't know) (or might know in an alternate universe, in another
incarnation) (truth is beauty, beauty truth, this is all you know and all
you need to know).


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