ATTN JMS: 522 always 2281?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 25 06:09:37 EDT 1997

From: David Frankel <frankel at>
Date: 23 May 1997 16:30:59 -0400
Lines: 10

You have said before that you have had the final scene of season 5 in 
your head scince the beginning.  Was it always your intent to have the 
final episode take place 17 years beyond the current storyline, or is 
this (Amazing Joe juggling chainsaws while dodging chickens) simply an 
elegant, and perhaps better, solution to the renewal problem/delay.

David "doesn't think he knows it all, but thinks he knows this" Frankel

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 May 1997 19:52:57 -0400
Lines: 9

Yes, the final chapter in the series was always going to fall in 2281, 20
years after the events in 2261.


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