Attn. JMS: Congratulations & Thank You

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Nov 3 06:19:06 EST 1997

From: "Richard.Gugins at" <richard.gugins at>
Date: 2 Nov 1997 15:43:30 -0500
Lines: 15

If there was to be no more B5 after season 4 I would not feel cheated. 
You wrapped it up beautifully!  But there IS more!  There will be yet
another 22 wonderful spellbinding episodes!  We bought our sattelite
dish, it's pointed south (I live in Canada) and we'll be there for
season 5.  My wife and I were hooked right from the pilot and sit on the
edge of our seats through every episode.  Thank you.  Thank you for
giving us the best science-fiction to ever hit television.  Hell, thank
you for giving us the best TV show we've ever had.  I would never have
bought the dish for any other series but to have enjoyed 4 sesons of
this wonderful story and not get the rest?  NOT!  I rather enjoyed
telling the cable people the reason we no longer needed their
services--your show cost them a customer.  All the best and we both look
forward to the firts B5 big screen movie--whenever it happens, we'll be

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:29:01 -0500
Lines: 10

No, the thanks are all mine, for your staying with us from the beginning.



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