ATTN:JMS Who influences the actors?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Nov 3 06:29:08 EST 1997

From: Gordon Wetmore <gwetmore at>
Date: 2 Nov 1997 14:55:07 -0500
Lines: 12

Hi Joe,
    The acting on B5 is really good. The characters have much more depth
than most shows, both sf and mainstream that I've seen. The actors are
all quite talented, but who works with them to give them that extra bit
of insight, or inspiration that they all seem to have, and what form
does the feedback take?

Orlando, FL

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:45:04 -0500
Lines: 19

>The actors are
>all quite talented, but who works with them to give them that extra bit
>of insight, or inspiration that they all seem to have, and what form
>does the feedback take?

On a day-to-day "What the hell does THIS mean?" basis, that would be me, or if
 I'm otherwise engaged, John Copeland.  On an episode-by-episode basis, that
 would be the director.

Most everything is covered in the script; if there are additional questions
 they can go to one of the above.  If I or someone else in that group has a
 note, we pass it on directly to the actor.


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