ATTN JMS: copyright issue

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 7 06:15:16 EDT 1997

From: darkstar26 at (Darkstar)
Date: 5 Oct 1997 21:46:32 -0400
Lines: 8

I've put together a couple of B5 logo sets and was wondering if I
would be violating the copyright if I offered them free on my website.
all the pictures I used were taken from the newsgroups or free sites
on the web.

thnx in advance


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Oct 1997 02:38:54 -0400
Lines: 11

>I've put together a couple of B5 logo sets and was wondering if I
>would be violating the copyright if I offered them free on my website.
>all the pictures I used were taken from the newsgroups or free sites
>on the web.

I don't actually know the answer to guess is that somewhere in the
 files they would have to have the WB (c) notice, otherwise you run the risk of
 turning them in to public domain stuff, which makes WB very cranky.

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