JMS: Time constraints and video

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 12 06:18:05 EDT 1997

From: Blair Leatherwood <bleatherwood at>
Date: 10 Oct 1997 19:22:14 -0400
Lines: 13

Since the home video releases don't have the same time constraints as
the broadcast versions, do you have any intent (or even interest) in
restoring some of the revisions in episodes you were forced to make?
You have mentioned scenes cut for time and, in one case, a scene moved
from one episode to another because of the time issue.

There are ways of looking at this issue--1) this is a chance to restore
the original intention and 2) the forced changes really don't matter
much in the grand scheme of things.  Which side of this issue do you
come down on?  (As far as I can tell, the only episode you've really
wanted to get your hands back on is "The Gathering")


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Oct 1997 19:09:14 -0400
Lines: 12

>There are ways of looking at this issue--1) this is a chance to restore
>the original intention and 2) the forced changes really don't matter
>much in the grand scheme of things.  Which side of this issue do you
>come down on?  (As far as I can tell, the only episode you've really
>wanted to get your hands back on is "The Gathering")

Unfortunately, it would require doing a re-edit on the episodes, plus
 re-scoring, and re-mixing, and that takes a fair amount of money, so it's not
 something we can do.

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