ATT JMS: Updates on your "home town"?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 14 06:18:53 EDT 1997

From: jegolf at MCS.COM (J.M.Egolf)
Date: 13 Oct 1997 14:09:48 -0400
Lines: 14

A few times you've mentioned you dream lucidly, and that most (all?) of
your dreams take place in a town that only exists in your head.

Anything going on there recently? or is it all crowded out by the 2260's?

Asking to give you a bit of a vacation from the B5 stuff --

J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf                          jegolf at
     "There are assholes *everywhere*, and if you let them get to you,
then you'll destoy yourself a hell of a lot faster that they ever could."
     Chris Martino              _OtherSyde_           J. Michael Strazcynski

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Oct 1997 04:17:52 -0400
Lines: 21

>A few times you've mentioned you dream lucidly, and that most (all?) of
>your dreams take place in a town that only exists in your head.
>Anything going on there recently? or is it all crowded out by the 2260's?

I don't know...lately, I've been falling asleep so exhausted that I don't
 remember my dreams...I close my eyes, it gets black, and then it gets morning.

We're in the final stages of finishing off the prequel, and between that and
 everything else, I got a grand total of 90 minutes sleep yesterday through


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