JMS: Expense of title sequences?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 15 06:20:15 EDT 1997

From: Troy_Heagy at
Date: 13 Oct 1997 16:43:59 -0400
Lines: 9


Some rumours have been going around the net that title sequences are very 
expensive to make and that's why they aren't updated very often... except of 
course on Babylon 5.  So, what's the truth?  Is a title sequence expensive or is
this just another rumour/lie that has grown a life of its own on the net?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Oct 1997 04:04:46 -0400
Lines: 28

>Some rumours have been going around the net that title sequences are very 
>expensive to make and that's why they aren't updated very often... except of 
>course on Babylon 5.  So, what's the truth?  Is a title sequence expensive or
>this just another rumour/lie that has grown a life of its own on the net?


I dunno...I guess there's some money involved, but not with B5.

See, most shows hire somebody, a company, to design their title sequence.  That
 costs about $20-30,000.  A fair chunk of change for some shows.  Also, they
 like the same title each season to give that comfortable continuity networks

We don't have that kind of money to toss around on a title design, so each
 season I design the titles.  I write the narration, and work with the editors
 (sometimes with John Copeland) to choose the images, and then I work with
 Chris to tell him what kind of music I want to go with the titles.  So our
 cost is just the editing time, and the new composition...maybe a couple grand,


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