Between the Darkness and the Light ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 17 06:29:42 EDT 1997

From: Frank Shapiro <fshapiro at>
Date: 15 Oct 1997 20:48:16 -0400
Lines: 43

Spoilers for Between the Darkness and the Light


Whew, you really are operating without a net aren't you. Here it is,
near the end of season 4 and you introduce a new important talent,
Ivanova's eidetic memory. I'm not saying it's out of character for her
or that it contradicts anything in the past. My point is that with all
that came before and your exposure on the web you must have planned this
well in advance so as not to open yourself up to "why didn't she
remember ...?" questions. In a novel, if you or an editor finds a
contradiction with what came before, it can be changed. With Babylon 5,
it's all out there. So I have to believe that you introduced it for
another, more important reason (the future will tell) and not just to
have her understand a comment Marcus made about her beauty.

Thanks for B5.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Oct 1997 14:18:40 -0400
Lines: 27

>Here it is,
>near the end of season 4 and you introduce a new important talent,
>Ivanova's eidetic memory. I'm not saying it's out of character for her
>or that it contradicts anything in the past. My point is that with all
>that came before and your exposure on the web you must have planned this
>well in advance>so as not to open yourself up to "why didn't she
>remember ...?" questions. In a novel, if you or an editor finds a
>contradiction with what came before, it can be changed.

(also taps foot...)

She's a latent telepath.  About a P1.  As has been established on the show in
 the past.  That gives her a slight edge in many areas.

Also, an eidetic memory does not equal facility with language.  I have a
 somewhat eidetic memory.  I can usually remember visuals and things said to me
 with extreme clarity.  (Unless I'm in convention mode at the time, at which
 point all bets are off.)  But I have a real problem with learning languages,
 which involves not just memorization, but *translation,* which is a skill, a
 knack that some others have and some don't.  (Spanish rolled off me, but for
 some reason I have a knack for German, though my vocabulary's gone all to

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