Deconstruction of Falling Stars- Spoilers**

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 30 06:24:58 EST 1997

From: prestorjon at (Prestorjon)
Date: 29 Oct 1997 17:43:49 -0500
Lines: 100


Great Ep.  Maybe my all time favorite of the series.  The little plot synopsis
 on the Lurkers guide had me intruiged and I waited in anticipation all week. 
 Well the ep didn't disappoint.  (although I did comment on the fact that they
 were still using English in a million years)
    The stuff with in the "present" was mostly pretty boring except for Londos
 twisted recounting of Centauri ceremonies.  I loved the looks G'kar kept on
 shooting Londo as he talked.  I gotta agree with the skeptical guy on the talk
 show "Harlan Ellison" or whatever his name was.  : ) (was he supposed to be
 James Carville?)  BTW when was the last time anyone heard a news anchor talk
 about the old testament?  The phot montage of Sheridan was kinda ppoorly done.
  Particularly the shot of Bruce on the horse in that distinctively 1980's
 shirt, and the portrait of him as a kid done in Black and White.  What they
 ran out of color film?
      The 2362 segment was pretty good.  Nice deconstruction of the myth of
 Sheridan and such. (although I have a problem with the idea that NYU will be
 around 100 years from NOW!).  Some of their theories were absolute bull
 (individuals never create political movements.  Anyone remember Hitler?). 
 Some of their stuff was valid though and the psychologist guy had a point
 about Delenns speach.  Hmmm nice Garibaldi cliffhanger.  My only nit is that
 the broadcast starts and within five minutes Delenn is at the broadcast
 center.  Also the time between when the alarm goes off and when Delenn enters
 is way too short.  
      2762 segment.  Very nice and very Orwellian, and I liked Garibaldis final
 F-you to the world (even though it resulted in armageddon).
      3262 segment.  Very interesting.  The idea behind this segment is
 powerful enough to inspire a novel all of its own.  The opinion on faith
 expressed by the monk is an interesting one to come from an aetheist like
      1,000,000 AD segment.  Totally kick ass, New Earth!   Nova!  The Vorlon
 suit!  Awesome!

"Have you ever made a just man?"
"Oh I have made three." answered God
"But two of them are dead- and the third
Listen! Listen!
You can hear the third of his defeat."
    -Stephen Crane

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Oct 1997 21:02:54 -0500
Lines: 42


Just a few quick reactions:

>(although I did comment on the fact that they
> were still using English in a million years)

That's what you heard, that doesn't mean that's what it was; same as when you
 go to Minbar, they're not speaking English, that's just our hearing of it.

>  BTW when was the last time anyone heard a news anchor talk
> about the old testament? 

Ted Koppel.

> the portrait of him as a kid done in Black and White.  What they
> ran out of color film?

Even now portraits are often done in black and white just for artistic merit.

> (although I have a problem with the idea that NYU will be
> around 100 years from NOW!)

Trinity College is a working college in Ireland that dates back to the American


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